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Duell Wedding Video

by Scott Johnson

Duell Wedding on 6/16/18 at Metropolist in Seattle, Wa

Music licensed from –
The Music Bed –

“OMG, We LOVE this!!! Thank you so much, you did such a fantastic job!!! and the outtakes at the end”

Just before the season changed to summer (and right before all we Seattleites started grumbling about how freaking hot it is) we were able to spend the day with Bethany and Nate for their big wedding!

It was a wonderfully warm day, as the impending heat wave had not quite reached us yet, and the boys spent the morning doing everything they could to look as spiffy as can be. Some last minute ironing, a quick trim, and a lesson in proper handkerchief etiquette helped move the morning along. Meanwhile, the ladies chit chatted about various wedding details as the final touches were ensured before it was time for romantic first look in the park.

Greeting each other near Greenlake in North Seattle, the park was soon our playground to shoot the two in. Having a blast wandering around getting different angles of the bride-and-groom-to-be, we even were able to wander down to the lakefront to get some shots with the water lapping up behind them. Needless to say, their portraits were simply stunning, as evidence by the video. It wouldn’t be bridal portraits without everyone else joining in, and boy did they! With plenty of laughs and poses to keep us chuckling, both the ladies and gents brought their A-games to produce some shining, happy smiles.

Heading off to St. Benedict’s Catholic Church, the sun was blazing high in the sky as everyone was ready for a traditional Catholic wedding. With the bridesmaids and groomsmen flanking the sides and everyone filling the pews, it was a wonderful celebration of life and love that couldn’t have gone better. Soon, the priest gave those sealing words and it was officially finished with a kiss.

With just a few more photos to snap before making their way to the reception, the newlyweds looked utterly happy posing with their family and the priest outside the church. As they took off towards the Metropolist, a superb event space capable of holding up to 500 guests, it was soon time for an afternoon and evening of partying. The dancing got kicked off surely as soon as the alcohol started flowing, though it was a pretty mellow affair until after the cake-cutting.

Underneath vaulted wood ceilings, the newlyweds shared their first dance as their families looked on. As the traditional dances came and went, everyone was soon itching to get off their butts and start dancing along too. Once that happened, the night flashed by in a blur of synchronized dances, flashing lights, and good drinks and food.

A little before the night officially came to an end, we headed off with Bethany and Nate for some golden hour shots of them walking around the city. It was a sweet and touching end to an already perfect day!

Thank you again to Nate and Bethany for choosing Best Made Videos to film their wedding! We hope your first month of marriage has gone perfectly!

Have a question or comment, or even just a concern in general? Please leave it below and we’ll get back to you!

Venue - Metropolist

Ceremony - St. Benedict Church, Seattle

Photography - Stefan & Audrey

Videography - Best Made Videos

DJ - HeadSmile Productions

Floral - Columbia City Bouquet

Caterer - Bitterroot BBQ

Dessert - Snohomish Pie Company

Rentals - Sweet Buffet Lady

Bartending - Party on the Rocks

Bethany and Nate’s story in their own words:

About Us

Where it all began….

Nate and Bethany met at the ripe old age of 16 when Nate transferred to Archbishop Murphy H.S. and happened to sit in Bethany’s seat during a Chemistry class (which she promptly tried to evict him from) but after deciding to pull up an extra chair and sit together, a wonderful friendship began….

Bethany went on to attend Gonzaga University (go Zags!), Nate attended Eastern University, and their relationship continued while sharing in separate college experiences. Nate was busy playing rugby and causing mayhem in his fraternity while Bethany was enjoying all GU had to offer with her roommates and dispensing priceless information working at the Crosby Student Center Information Desk.

After college Nate returned to the western WA and Bethany went onto to grad school and eventually accepted an offer to work in WA D.C. Nate was a trooper and ventured to the east coast a number of times to visit Bethany, which included exploring museums, monuments, and the very fancy Atlantic City.

Eventually Bethany moved back to the best Washington  and Nate and Bethany continued their fun. After about 17 years of general merriment and good times, they decided the getting-to-know you process was officially OVER and they wanted to make this thing official and get hitched. Now they’re very excited to kick things off by celebrating with each of you!

The proposal

Our proposal took place on a warm Saturday in mid-September. Nate’s mom, Danni Duell, was in on the surprise and took Bethany out for a girl’s day to get our hair, make-up and nails done. We were to meet up with Nate for dinner button the plans kept changing and eventually Bethany was told we would just meet Nate at Gasworks Park and walk to dinner nearby. When we arrived at the park, Bethany found Nate looking sharp and wanting to take a quick stroll around the park before dinner. Although hangry and overdue for a meal, Bethany reluctantly agreed to take a walk around Gasworks with Nate, only to have him get down on one knee and propose at the top of the hill. Needless to say, Bethany was surprised and said YES immediately! Nate had the excellent instinct to hire a photographer to capture the moment – which we wanted to share with you all.

Why did you choose your venue?

We really wanted everyone together in one central space and we loved the natural light and soft white lights strung across the ceiling. Plus no stairs for elderly people to have to climb- yay!

What are you most excited to see in the video?

Oh my goodness, everything!  I’ve teared up watching random couples on your blogs, and we think your work is awesome. I’m most looking forward to capturing toasts and all of the candid moments – maybe a bit of the dancing too 

Wedding Party:


Katie Turner
Maid of Honor

Bethany and Katie met on the soccer field but they bonded on the bench. Katie is one of the most creative, thoughtful, big-hearted and fashionable human beings you will ever meet. She’s Bethany internal doppelganger in so many ways, except this lady knows how to bake like NOBODY’S business! Bethany is lucky to have her as a friend.

Allison Miller

Bethany met Allison in high school and over the past (nearly 20!) years, Bethany discovered that Allison was her conversational soulmate – they can talk for 2 hours and barely scratch the surface. Allison is incredibly generous, a masterful storyteller, a connector of people, and one of the all time best listeners/counselors. Bethany is lucky to have her as a friend.

Emily Olson

Bethany met this fireball in 2nd grade (“officially” friends around 5th grade when she stuck up for Bethany in a very public way), she’s the only person who could equally take on Bethany’s brothers with the same ferocious scrappiness as Bethany (the Jensen’s loved it). A world traveler with an incredible sense of humor (I don’t think I’ve ever spent time with Emily and not laughed at least once), x-factor karaoke skills, and the confidence to speak her mind, Bethany is lucky to have her as a friend.

Kristi Turner

Bethany met Kristi at soccer tryouts her freshman year and Kristi was hands-down the nicest upperclassman that she’d met, providing Bethany with many rides in high school in her ticking, Wheat Thin-filled, beauty known as the Brass Monkey. Kristi has a fierce loyalty to her loved ones and an unquenchable thirst for life and adventure that Bethany loves and finds incredibly inspiring. Bethany is lucky to have her a friend.

Lani Turner

Bethany and Lani met through her sisters, but Lani carved out her own special, unique place in Bethany’s heart. Lani is an insightful truth teller who unfailingly sticks up for what she feels is right, with a soft spot for the underdog. She’ll always be known as Bethany’s European travel buddy and she helped Bethany to understand the value of the Bravo channel and that each person has a separate sweet and salty portion of their stomach (one side can be full and the other can still have room). She is truly a treasure and Bethany is lucky to have her a friend.

Matilda Eide

Bethany was extremely fortunate that fate brought Matilda into her life as her GU college roommate and Bethany has done her best to embed herself in Matilda’s life ever since (including trying to follow her around the U.S). Matilda’s cooking is to die for – I’m not exaggerating one bit – and Matilda’s intelligence, quick wit, humor and independence have inspired Bethany for years. Bethany is lucky to have her as her friend.

Teshina Davey

Bethany’s oldest and strongest (literally) friend with the most gentle spirit and the BEST laugh! Bethany and Teshina met in the 1st grade through a random seating pairing and over the years Bethany has enjoyed more adventures with Teshina than she could possibly count. It’s truly been a joy for Bethany to see her evolve into the incredible woman, wife and mother that she is today. Bethany is lucky to count her as her friend.


Willson Guimont
Best Man

Willson is Nate’s brother and they spent lots of time playing soccer and football in the backyard. Nate remembers when Willson was about 5 years old, they were playing baseball, and Willson hit a homerun over the neighbor’s fence – that’s when Nate knew Willson would be a strong athlete. Willson makes any event more fun just by his presence and goofy sense of humour, and one of Nate’s all time favorite things is making Willson laugh.

Brent McCann

Nate met Brent through the Jensen’s and found him to be an incredibly smart guy (Nate would know, Brent was in his high school Chemistry class, even though Brent was two years grades behind). With Brent’s passion for travel and incredible commitment to developing the Liliir Education Project, Brent’s a wonderful person and Nate’s proud to have him as a friend. Nate had the best meal of his life with Brent McCann in Cabo San Lucas.

Joseph Jensen

Nate met Joey J (Joseph), Bethany’s youngest brother, when he was in middle school and Nate was in high school and has great memories of them playing basketball in the backyard. Joey is driven and a hardworker; he’s made good life choices, he sets a high bar for himself that he usually lives up to, and he’s always true to himself. He also drank a full gallon of milk.

Jonathan Jensen

Nate met Jonathan while playing basketball together in high school, in fact, Jonathan found out Nate was dating Bethany from Mr. Zander in a team huddle before practice. Jonathan is an extremely funny, very smart guy and tries extremely hard at anything he applies himself to. Jonathan once caught a giant fish in Cabo San Lucas.

Kurt Tompkins

Nate and Kurt met in elementary school, and even though they went to separate middle schools, they stayed friends and Kurt eventually convinced Nate to join him at AMHS. If it weren’t for Kurt, Nate wouldn’t have met Bethany, thanks Kurt! Nate has so many good memories with Kurt, every time they’ve been together, he remembers laughing hysterically. The main thing Nate loves about Kurt is his humor and sense of adventure. Birds of a feather flock together.

Michael VanCitters

Mike was probably Nate’s first friend in life and he met Mike when he wandered off in a diaper. Nate and Mike were good buddies in elementary school and it wasn’t until after college that they really started hanging out and fishing again. Mike is a life long friend.

Flower Girl & Ring Bearer

Violet Jensen
Flower Girl

Violet’s favorite things: the color pink, her daddy, horsies, chocolate chip pancakes.

Violet’s least favorite things: Rice, Chicken, Guacamole, Chippy’s

JJ Jensen
Ring Bearer

JJ’s favorite things: Eating in general but especially avacado’s and Z-Bars, vroom vrooms, doggies

JJ’s least favorite things: naps (mimi’s)