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The people you meet!

Every wedding and video shoot has its own unique challenges and forces us to learn and re-adapt. Today’s post and lesson is, IT'S ALL ABOUT THE PEOPLE YOU MEET!

Working in the video industry has allowed me to meet a wide range of people, back when I used to work in TV news that range was almost TOO wide if you know what I mean!  lol   But that really is the spice of life, and what keeps every day and week fresh and exciting as a business owner.  You really never know who you're going to meet next!

Take this week for example.  At this time I'm currently working on the wonderful love story / wedding video (I've previously blogged about it, the one with the couple who met in High School but were separated by him going into the Marines and she marrying an Army soldier,) a series of web videos for a public speaker / nutritionist, a set of corporate videos for Green is Good radio, and on top of it all, I'm currently editing a video for a gentleman from Haiti, who has a rap song and previously recorded footage that he wants edited into a music video.

During any given week one of two of these things would be interesting enough to keep me busy, let alone getting to tackle all of these very different projects all at once!  To be honest I really couldn't even tell you where I met most of these clients, I imagine most were either craigslist or through the website, but every once in a while I really have to step back and wonder how all these wonderful individuals came into my life.

Meeting these people, learning their stories, their motivations and goals for their individual videos is a very eye-opening and enriching experience.  No two people are the same, just as no two clients are the same.  Sometimes they have a very definite goal for how they see the project turning out, sometimes they want to hand over creative control to the professional.  Sometimes you can't wait to work with a client again, and sometimes you just want to wrap things up as quickly as possible and send them happily on their way, lol!

Later this week I will have the pleasure of meeting even more new people, as I have the opportunity to film 2 weddings over the weekend.  These couples and their stories will just be the latest that I add to my long list of clients, a list that always seems to be changing, and always seems to be growing.  It is this list that keeps me motivated, keeps me interested in my work and career, and most importantly keeps me employed!  For without such an eclectic mix of individuals in my life, I wouldn't have any video to shoot or any stories to share, and that would be a sad life to imagine indeed!

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