Wedding Videography Testimonials
Hear from some of my wedding couples about their experience working with Best Made Videos®.

“Their Voice, Our Video” - Kelly and Mike
Kelly and Mike's story -
"Reid: Just talk about the thoughts behind hiring the wedding videographer in the first place.
Kelly: It was your idea.
Mike: Yeah, okay. Yeah, well, I really had the idea of the videographer. I'd seen my sister's wedding, and I was really … It was nice being able to look back and seeing all the relatives and everyone together. And so it was a really nice, I thought, part of the wedding to take home. And so Kelly really didn't want a videographer.
Kelly: I was kinda on the fence about it, I was kinda thinking about our budget, and if it was something we absolutely needed …
Mike: She really didn't want one. But I wanted one. And, I'm just kidding. So anyway, we talked about it, and we, we really, we went for it, and we're really glad we did.
Kelly: Absolutely. I would just emphasize it was probably the- one of the best decisions that we made about our wedding. It has been absolutely priceless.
Mike: Yeah, and initially, I think, I don't know what you think, but I wanted it just because I wanted to see the memories afterwards. But it became much more than that.
Kelly: Yeah, the personal impact it had for us was pretty enormous. We have many friends and family that are in different states and in different countries, that due to age or just difficulties with travel weren't able to attend our wedding, and so getting to share with them our video brought them to tears. Cuz they felt like they were there to experience our wedding and that was the best part.
Mike: That was huge. I don't know if I can say any better. It was really just … so many people just said it was like they were at the wedding and that really meant a lot to us.
Reid: Talk about when you guys saw the video for the first time and what that experience was like.
Kelly: So the turn-around was amazing. We were so shocked to find that it was three or four days later, we were on our mini-moon, and got an email that our wedding highlights reel was ready to watch, and so we got to watch it on our honeymoon, and that was really special.
Mike: That was really nice.
Kelly: We were still just soaking in the great memories of the wedding and sharing stories and then getting to literally relive it together, on such a special time of our honeymoon, was really special.
Mike: Right. And you know, it was more than reliving it, because we got to see it from the perspective of other people, and we saw … there's so much that you miss on the wedding day,
Kelly: Yeah, it went by so fast.
Mike: … that we really able to recapture it. So, we relived our memories, and saw even more perspectives than … and there's a lot of things we had missed that day that was really nice to capture afterwards.
Kelly: And one of my favorite parts about that was the ceremony. Because as the bride, during the procession, you go in last. So, I didn't get to see the bulk of that part of the wedding, and I'm gonna see the- our flower girl go down, our ring bearers, our bridal party, our parents, and so, getting to, from my perspective, getting to see that part was really special.
Reid: Ah, yeah. If you could, and Mike, would be the favorite part of the video, that you got to see?
Mike: Well, I really liked all of the video. There's- just being able to- there were multiple aspects that I really liked. And I think our video was special because it had a song that I recorded for Kelly in the video. And so, the video is set so that the song really was played over everything that happened, and then it was spliced with the song we had walked down the aisle to, or Kelly had walked down the aisle to.
And so that was really, just a really touching and personalized part of the video for us.
Kelly: You're right. That was the best part.
Mike: So we really loved all of the wedding video. But it was really important to us that we capture the entire process. Initially we were focusing on the ceremony.
Kelly: And the toasts.
Mike: Yeah, and we thought those would be the most essential aspects of it, but we were, I think, wrong.
Kelly: Yeah, we were totally-
Mike: We liked seeing the entire day on the video, and that, again, I think captured the whole picture of the wedding and was part of the reason we could send it to our friends and family.
Kelly: Right, getting ready, the travel, the dancing, the sendoff … all of that was all wrapped up in this beautiful video. So the people who got to watch it got the full, sort of, picture, of what our wedding was like. Including us.
Mike: It was like they were, even though they couldn't make it, it's like they were there.
Reid: And then, if somebody was on the fence about videography, what would you say? And if you could both, kinda individually, speak on that.
Kelly: I have a strong reaction to this so, if you're on the fence, because that was me, I would say that prioritize it over almost anything else. That this has been such a rich and special part of our wedding process. And it goes by so fast, and so getting to be able to actually see it again is very special and I would– if it comes down to budget or whatever, I would just put that above other things.
Mike: I agree completely. It's, a lot of times people think it's the same thing as pictures, but it's not. Frankly, we tend to go to the video to relive the memories, because it's, I mean, it's rewatching the entire thing happen. And pictures capture a moment, but the video captures-
Kelly: The experience.
Mike: … time. Yeah, the whole experience. And so, prioritize it, for sure.
Kelly: Yeah, so, when we think about video and photography, just one of the advantages of video is it gets to capture the audio. So, having Mike perform and sing his song, having the ability to get to watch the toasts again, because you're so emotional and just getting to re-laugh at those jokes, is just definitely something that no other medium or modality can capture.
Mike: And vows too.
Kelly: Yes.
Mike: Just hearing, how happy everybody is. You can see it in photos, but in videos you can hear it, and it's a … more. Much more of a take-away that you get from it.
Reid: Cool. Anything else? Think we're good.
Kelly: Best Made Videos is the best!
Reid: Thanks. Perfect. Thank you guys.
Kelly: Yeah."

"Their Voice, Our Video" - Andrea and Jeffrey
Andrea and Jeffrey’s story -
“Reid: So, what was your reaction kind of seeing the video for the first time?
Andrea: Well, we were in Portland on our little family honeymoon kind of thing, and we were actually walking into a Portland Blazers game when I got your email that we got the highlight video, and so I made Jeff stand outside of the arena and watch the video, and we couldn't go in until it was over, and I cried. I cried like a baby.
Jeffrey: It was amazing. It was way better than we thought it would be. We were expecting only like a little small video with something like having everybody in that, but it was just the way you put it together was amazing. And for being your first time at that venue, it was great. We took some pictures from your video just to use them, because you did different things than our photographer did, but it still was crazy. You're great at your job. (laughs)
Reid: Well, I appreciate- It was so good and it was so funny because I just - Alex and I just had a wedding together on the 29th and so we were talking about - because I don't think - maybe I'd seen him once since your wedding - but you know, we always kind of are talking about stuff, so that's great. Well, I appreciate it. What was the process like of having the videographer day of? Was it good, bad, because I know people kind of always worry it's going to be a big pain in the butt.
Andrea: Yeah, I worried just because I don't like seeing myself on camera. I think I sound funny and everything, but you made it so easy. You just felt like you were one of the guests at our wedding. You made it very personable, which was a lot less nerve wracking for me, I think.
Jeffrey: I think Matthew, we, I thought he was kind of like a groomsman, because he was just with us the whole time; we were joking with him, having a great time and we just had fun, he felt like family.
Reid: No, I know what you mean. Yeah, absolutely.
Reid: What was your favorite part of the highlight video, because I'll kind of show that while you're talking, so what if each of you, what was your favorite part?
Andrea: I think the fact that you surprised us. Especially with my cousins singing our first dance song. I remember talking to you about that, and you were like, “You know, sometimes it's hard because of the mics and everything.” And then we had picked our songs on your website, and all of a sudden, it got to that point, and it's Miley singing. It just meant a lot that you were able to do that, I think, and that was something really special, because that was something that was really special to us on our wedding day. And then, you getting the picture of the barn doors opening and Jeff's reaction to it, it was just awesome.
Jeffrey: All that, and then just seeing the joy on people's faces about the whole wedding: the reception area, and then even getting all the groomsmen's natural reactions to like, “Hey, everything's going on, what's going on” and saying how well we bonded as family. Our two families coming together as one- pretty cool.
Reid: That's great. What would be your, if someone was kind of on the fence about having video, if they weren't sure if they wanted to do it or not, what would you say?
Andrea: I would say "Definitely do it." Your wedding day is such a blur after it happens, and you don't get to see everything that's happening behind the scenes. I think it was awesome being able to see what the groomsmen were doing while the bride and the bridesmaids were getting ready. Also, during the cocktail hour, what people were doing while we were away taking pictures and doing all of that. It was really cool to kind of relive the day, but from a different perspective.
Jeffrey: Exactly what she says. There's nothing you - you won't want to forget this day, and we relive it probably weekly at our house, just from the video. Seeing everybody's reaction to what's going on and how people are seeing you guys in the moment, or us, who's getting married, in the moment, and then remembering what happened, is great.
Reid: Any other thoughts or anything, that was, that's kind of my questions. I keep it pretty easy.
Andrea: I think it's awesome that you give the raw footage because, it scared all the groomsmen, because now I hear what was going on in the Groomsmen Shed, and what they were actually talking about, and all the little jokes and comments made. But like I texted you that one time, about a month after the wedding, my grandpa passed away, and one night I was just kind of sitting, watching the raw footage, and there was that video of him and my grandma dancing and, it just meant a lot, I think.
Jeffrey: Yeah, if you don't get a videographer, I think you're kind of messing up, because the photographer's going to get one thing, the videographer's going to get something else, and you can use both those things and get what you want out of the wedding. It's your wedding, you've got to get what you can and nobody's going to have their phones out. We had an unplugged wedding, but I think we got the best footage anybody could ask for.
Reid: Well, that was perfect! That's honestly all I need. I really appreciate it.
Andrea: Oh, yeah. All of my family and everybody, we're so impressed with the highlight video. They all called me, my mom and my godmother called me after watching it and they were crying and they were like “He got us ugly crying in the Bridal Cottage!” I was just like “Oh, well...” (laughs) It's that raw emotion. (laughs)
Reid: It was just so much fun and going back through, I'll be excited to piece this together, because it's fun for me too to go back, because it was just such a fun day and everything worked out, and the weather and everything, and it just was a lot of fun. I just remember there was a lot of laughs to be had.
Andrea: Yes, there were. (laughs)
Andrea: Well, thank you so much.
Reid: Yeah! Go and do something fun. Go take her out for lunch or dinner, or you guys go, do something fun today. Happy Birthday, so much, I really appreciate it.
Andrea: Thank you!
Jeffrey: Happy late birthday to you too!
Andrea: Yeah!
Reid: You guys have a good day!
Andrea: Bye!
Reid: Bye.”

"Their Voice, Our Video" - Ally and Paul
Ally and Paul’s story -
“Reid: Yeah so in terms of wedding videography, whose idea was that and where did that start?
Ally: I was really wanting to have the video. I really loved Emily and Shawn's video and I just enjoy all the work that you do, so it was really important to me to have all the festivities films; because there was so much more involved that you get, than just with photos. It was something I really wanted.
Reid: And Paul what did you think when she brought up the idea?
Paul: Originally honest no. Honestly. Yeah. But no it was good. I mean I watched it so it was pretty good, I did like it. Yeah.
Ally: There was some good funny scenes.
Paul: Yeah.
Ally: Your brother.
Paul: Yeah.
Ally: Your brother. His brother was…
Paul: Giving the dog a little alcohol, that's fine, it's not all bad.
Reid: Oh yes, so what was finally kind of the final selling point of why you guys decided to go there. Most of you know it's either one or the other most of the time, one doesn't want it whether it's the husband or the wife, so what was the final?
Paul: Originally I mean I just didn't think you know it was within the budget. Then we really just looked at it again. It’s something Ally wanted so...
Ally: Yeah.
Paul: Yeah. I said go with it.
Paul: I didn't really have a strong feeling one way or the other really, it's just could we work it in the budget, really?
Reid: I do think that you had commented during the wedding day that it was a lot easier, a lot less stressful than maybe you thought it would be or… like the process, talk about that.
Paul: Oh gosh. I mean you were really good. I didn't have to do anything, I just had to you know, I had to act normal I didn't have to like act for the camera, which I thought I would. I was just...
Reid: Then Ally talk about when you guys got video, kind of talk about that initial reaction. What was that like?
Ally: Again it was just more about seeing things that I don't see because you're literately running around. You have so many things going on that day that it's moments that are captured that you get to watch back, and take in again but in a different setting and seeing those moments that you probably wouldn't have.
Reid: When you saw it got a big string of emoticons and harts and stuff. What was kind of just that reaction,
Ally: Tears of joy. I was so, just everything at one, like, I don't know, I'm more of internal emotion person. So it do I put it into words? Just really emotional seeing that back. Having those moments to absorb and take in again, was great.
Reid: You said you and Paul maybe tried to. Favorite part of the video is something that you enjoy watching back?
Paul: I just like watching I mean just ... I guess I'll watch here like ten minutes spiel a couple of times and it's kind of nice seeing you know obviously, something I'll tell you some of the dancing that you don't get to see in photos. I mean you get still images but you don't actually get to see certain funny things that are happening. People talking and then you know people actually seeing you filming them and then they stop talking because they don't want to be in the video. At the end of the night you know just people not caring, you know doing their thing, just having fun. By the end of the night you just kind of blend in. People are just earlier in the evening are just “oh gosh we got video cameras on us” and then by the end of the night people are just used to it by then just kind of having fun.
Reid: Ally what was favorite part?
Paul: Probably the end. I think that was the icing on the cake when you had captured Shawn and Emilie's wedding with Paul catching the garter and I caught the bouquet. That's just really special moment like, it like tie it up into a little golden bow.
Reid: That was cool, huh?
Ally: Yeah.
Reid: I guess just for if someone was on the fence about it and if you could both respond of just kind of like, why would it be worth it now or kind of gone through it now. Why would you think it would be worth it, maybe?
Ally: I mean it's definitely worth it, just to have an active moment of time to look back on watching 'em. You know to look back watch it on our anniversaries, to show our kids one day. Knowing that Stella is not going to be with us forever and having that moment too with her there. It's definitely worth it, as much as people argue “it's not worth it” you know. It really is. It's great to have new collaboration with the photographer and having your level of expertise and then having her level of it just going back and forth and creating unique moments for us. So that was also really great.
Reid: And Paul?
Paul: Uh.
Reid: Bring it home.
Paul: What's that?
Reid: I said bring it home.
Paul: Oh yeah closure.
Paul: No, you know especially someone like me that didn't really want it in the beginning. One of the better things was just like Ally was saying. I mean photos are great. Photos are great to hand out to people but you know just so they can actually see some of the events that, if they couldn't make it maybe we sent them the video, so they could maybe there a little more. Whereas photos don't really do that. Then should we ever want to look back on it. Anniversaries, if not we can kind of, well photos is really you can relive it, kind of, but with video you can really relive it. If you want to watch it anniversaries or what not. I mean I'm glad we did it. In the beginning I didn't want it, but I am glad Ally was really wanting it. And I am glad that we did choose to go that route and had yourself!
Reid: Perfect.”

"Their Voice, Our Video" - Kristi and Cory
Kristi and Cory’s story -
“Reid: Talk to me about why you guys decided to get a wedding video. What was that process like?
Kristi: For me, it was all about being able to go back into that actual moment of taking us back to that day, specific moments, things that we might have missed while we were getting ready, and that was really important to us. I think that photos are great, but being able to have a video and watch that really takes you back to that moment.
Reid: What do you think?
Cory: For me, I still get as choked up watching the video as I was when she just came around the aisle, and I know the pictures wouldn't have came close to give that surreal feeling every time I look at it. Taking myself back in those videos is a ... It's one of the favorite things I do in my day.
Reid: What was it like when you guys saw the video for the first time?
Kristi: Amazing. Cried a lot.
Cory: Yeah. I don't know why, but I turned into the biggest baby coming up to the wedding like crying for no reason almost. But this video makes me just ... I'm a big teddy bear.
Kristi: And we did not do a first look, so being able to actually relive that moment of me coming around the aisle, and him seeing me for the first time was really important to us.
Reid: What was your favorite part of the video? And if you could each specifically mention, you know ... talk, each one.
Cory: The dance battles, for sure. It's been a long time coming. My dad, you know, he's been saying, "Boy you better stop stealing my moves." And I think I finally, finally got him, and it was captured on video. So there is proof. I can say I'm the better dancer.
Kristi: It was his garter dance. That was for sure. If we hadn't had a videographer and then he did that garter dance, because I didn't know he was gonna do that, I would have been really disappointed not having that captured.
Cory: Right.
Reid: And then talk about ... you guys, we booked it kinda late. Were you guys hesitant about getting the video or was it a budget thing or just about kinda that process?
Kristi: Yeah, I think it was definitely a combination of things. With the wedding, you obviously have unexpected costs and you know a lot of things that you're paying for, and the prices go up, and it's expensive. And we were just waiting to see like do we really want one? Should we get one? So, ultimately, yeah that's what it came down to is kind of like a mix of budgeting and what was most important to us.
Reid: And then what finally kinda pushed you over that edge?
Kristi: Definitely watching some of your videos ... your testimonials-
Cory: Oh, totally.
Kristi: And, just seeing how it really takes you back to that moment, and again, photos are really great but being able to relive that moment and just put yourself there, and you just capture everything from that day like I missed when I was getting ready. There's so much going on and you really captured it.
Cory: The drone aerial shots that I was like the first thing that I was like, "Whoever that is, I'll take him."
Reid: And then finally, for each of you, if somebody was on the fence about a video, what would you say? If you could both answer that.
Cory: I had said that you know, regardless how it might feel to our pockets, moving forward with this, I know that decades from now we're gonna look back and we're gonna say that every single penny was worth it. Absolutely every single penny.
Kristi: Yep. I, looking back, if needed, like I would have cut in certain areas just to make sure like we could have ... you know, like we had this.
Cory: Totally.
Kristi: So important. Definitely feel that it's worth it-
Cory: It's a must.
Kristi: And ... yeah, there's other little things that you can cut that will allow you to get a video and you're gonna be in love.
Cory: You don't need napkins. Buy a videographer.
Reid: Perfect.
Kristi: Hire Reid.
Reid: Awesome, thank you guys.”

"Their Voice, Our Video" - Shaylin and Christian
Shaylin and Christian’s story -
Reid: Just first off, what inspired you guys to think about wedding videography in the first place?
Christian: Well we make videos, we love doing that kind of stuff for like our vacations and stuff, where we'll always be filming stuff. Then, we have these little mini highlight reels that we can give to our parents and all that. We figured, man, what a, why wouldn't we do that for our wedding? We do it for all of our vacations and all that. This was just such a perfect time to have not only photos but video. I think video was our main concern actually. Photos was kind of secondary but we definitely, we knew that we wanted some video of all the action.
Shaylin: Yeah.
Reid: What about you, do you echo that?
Shaylin: Yeah, I mean I would echo that. I think that that's a really good point. I think I also know too in this day and age, your wedding's going to be taken photos of by all your friends and relatives and stuff a lot of the time anyway, like on their phones or whatever. That's not to say we aren't super happy we did hire a photographer in the long run, but video is something that really takes a professional and an expert. If you don't have that, then it's not going to look professional or like an expert did it. It's very noticeable the difference and so we really wanted someone who was skilled and could help us remember this day even when we're old and we don't remember anything else.
Reid: Great. Good answer. When you guys got the video, walk me through watching it and what was that kind of like?
Shaylin: Amazing. I've watched it like a billion times.
Christian: We have, we have like a weekly standing appointment to watch all of our videos.
Shaylin: It was so much fun. We had just moved to Beijing, China from Seattle and we're like getting settled into the school and getting settled into life there. Then we got the email that you had finished the video and I remember sitting in our little living room and I was like, "Oh my god." I freaked out and then I had to like come and sit down and we had to plug everything in so it could be up on the big TV. It was just such a perfect moment to see everything come together and to like relive that happiness and especially because we were kind of stressed out with the move and with starting new jobs and with being in a new country away from our families. It was like a slice of seeing them again and being back in that moment, which was awesome.
Reid: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Christian: Yeah. It was cool too. All that happens so fast on your wedding day so it was just so cool to get it and, and like Shaylin said, we were moving and all the craziness was happening and just seeing the little moments, that we might have not realized happened or maybe we had kind of slipped our minds a little bit, because everything's just going so fast. Just getting to relive all that for the first time was really cool.
Reid: What was your guy's favorite part of the highlight video?
Shaylin: Oh my gosh. The whole thing doesn't count right? I think that ... Oh my gosh, my favorite part, one part? I really liked the end actually. The first thing that came to mind I tell you.
Christian: Yeah, that's mine.
Shaylin: You managed and I don't know how you did it, I guess you're pretty tall guy. You managed somehow when we were all dancing, to get a video like just over everyone's heads, and he and I were dancing in the middle together and like you said, I didn't even really remember that we did that. We were like, it was just us two and everyone else was doing their own things, and it was like we were having a moment within the mix of all of our friends and family and you got that on video. It was like the cap to this perfect memory of the day, which was really cool.
Reid: What about you? I know she took yours.
Christian: She took mine. Yes. All of the dancing was so cool. I think the vows themselves were great to have in there. Because when you're up there you tend to, or some people, myself included, tend to black out a little bit, you know? Just being able to actually like hear and absorb everything that both of us said to each other I think was really great, because you know sometimes you just go blank and you're just in the moment and you don't exactly remember every little detail of it. Having all that on that highlight tape was great.
Reid: Perfect and then last question, if anyone was on the fence about hiring a wedding videographer, what would you tell them?
Shaylin: Do it, hire one for sure. I would say if you're on the fence, it is such a worthwhile investment and it really does feel like an investment because your prices are competitive, but very reasonable, and I think you really see that you get what you pay for when you get the highlight video and the ceremony. Just having you now as like a contact and a friend is really cool. It will be something, like I said earlier, that you don't just have for one moment or one time, it's really a thing you can look back on forever and when it's done right, it's something you want to look back on forever, which is really cool.
Christian: Yeah, and I thought you also did a great job. I mean some people be nervous about having too many people as far as like photographers and videographers all in the same area. I thought you guys did a great job working with the photographers. I mean it seemed like you guys were all on the same team even though I don't think you guys had worked together before, but yeah, you guys were, it wasn't like it was extra chaos or confusion or anything like that. It was like things were just going smooth as we wanted them to go. Then at the end of it, we have all this footage and these two great highlight and full length films. Yeah.
Reid: That's it.
Shaylin: That was easy.
Reid: Anything else? You guys killed it!
Shaylin: I will say I will add, I don't know if it matters or not but I think it's funny. We, of course, sent the video to like our friends and family and because we were in such a weird position, where we couldn't really send thank you notes because we had just moved to China. It's a little hard to mail things out from China. We had to do it online which was like an odd feeling, it almost felt like impersonal. We connected the video to our thank you notes and I think everybody was like really blown away and everyone felt that connection again because they got to relive the moment as well. All of our guests and all of our friends and that was a really special thing, I think that made us feel good. I will also say too that my mom has shown it to like strangers at the grocery store, like she is so obsessed with it. She couldn't figure out how ... Oh sweet mama, she couldn't figure out how to stream it. It's one click, it's one link, with one play button, and for some reason she couldn't get there. My dad put it on a flash drive for her, so when she plugs it in, it just pops up and she watches it all the time and shows it to people. It's just been a really fun way to connect to being so far from home.
Reid: Thanks again you two!!!

"Their Voice, Our Video" - Emily and Kendrick
Emily and Kendrick’s story -
Reid: So first off, why did you guys want to do a wedding? Oh, and if you could both answer each of these questions, that would be helpful. Why did you guys want to do wedding videography in the first place?
Emily: I think, we actually went back and forth a lot. It was kind of near the end, where we decided we should do it because I think we just saw, at least I saw, other examples from my friends getting married. And everyone who had done something like that, they were very, very for it. They said they definitely would have regretted not doing it. And especially when we went around and looked at vendors, and we saw your work, and everything, it was like, "Wow, that'd be really cool," just gift for us to have, just from our day, especially because it's so chaotic and you usually forget a lot of details and everything. So yeah.
Kendrick: Yeah. I think another thing that pushed us over the edge was that our photographer had worked with you before. So she also said, "Oh yeah, it's easy to work with them. It's not like there's a whole nother film crew like you're on a movie set or anything. It's just a person or two that join in and they set up behind my camera. So you get similar angles and some of the looks, but you've got the video of before and after the actual Photoshop." And so we thought it'd be worth a shot and then we did it and we've enjoyed the outcome. So I think it was a good call at the end of the day.
Emily: Yeah, definitely.
Reid: Yeah. I guess I should ask you if you guys liked the video before.
Emily: Or doing this, so obviously we liked it.
Kendrick: We must have liked it somewhat.
Reid: No, that's good. What was it like talking about seeing the video for the first time and what was that experience like and where were you guys at or what was going on?
Emily: So we had just gotten back from our honeymoon, I believe. So it was kind of fun to, obviously we're coming back from our honeymoon, like, "Oh, the wedding's over, honeymoon's over, but then, oh, we get an extra little gift or glimpse from our wedding." And I was just, I remember how surprised I was at how even just how long it was like how much content there was in it. And just from it told the whole story from even the prepping and everything to the very end. So I liked the storytelling through it all.
Kendrick: Yeah. And it was interesting to be able to say, oh, we had talked before on the wedding night or on the honeymoon. Oh yeah. This was something that was fun that I did during the day with my groomsman or whatever. And then a couple of those moments actually showed up on video. And so then she was like, "Oh, that did actually happen. We weren't just making up stories or something like that." So yeah, that was kind of interesting to share the first time. And then as soon as we sent it to our families, everyone was super excited and it was just a way to relive the day because like she'd said, we were coming back from our honeymoon and so it was kind of the end of the wedding phase and we're just getting married phase.
Kendrick: So it's kind of in a way it put a nice end to it of, "Okay, this is a good recap of what we just went through and now I've got to get back to real life," but we were able to relive the experience and rewatching it's been cool too. As we were watching it earlier today, like, "Oh, let's see what else was on that." I was seeing people and I was like, "Oh yeah, I guess I didn't talk to them much of the wedding, but I'm glad you came." It was really cool to see this person or this event or something and remember what had happened.
Emily: And they looked like they're having a good time. So yay.
Kendrick: Right, we must have done something right.
Reid: Yeah. Talk about just being able to share the video and obviously right now with upcoming with weddings and stuff, that might be a challenge, people coming to the weddings and stuff. So talk about just the ease of being able to share that with friends and family and everybody.
Kendrick: Yeah. So, I mean, we got the video links as just links to a Vimeo, which is really easy to share, you can forward the emails or copy links and that was easy. And then there was the full downloadable available for us. I don't think we actually, I don't think we shared that, but we did share the links. I was able to highlight video and then the full video and my parents were super excited. We shared it with my grandma, which it was important for her to be able to be there. And you shared it with your grandparents who actually weren't able to make the wedding. And so we were able to share with them so they could pretend that they're feel like they were there and feel the environments and hear the noises, hear the cheers, the smiles, the laughs, the things you can hear that you can't just see. And so I think it was nice to be able to share the full thing with them so that they could experience it in a way.
Emily: Yeah. And it was so easy like I shared it on social media everywhere and I mean even to this day I have people comment on it or like it, or even just come up to me when I was in school and be like, "Oh yeah, I saw your video, it was great." So it was just kind of fun that obviously we had a limit to how many guests would come to our wedding, but everyone could still feel like they are somewhat part of the day or saw what was going on. I think that was kind of cool to have that option as well.
Reid: And then for the highlight video what was each of your favorite parts? Or if you could just mention one specifically and we could kind of put that together.
Emily: My favorite part, I have multiple. So I like how in the beginning, how we got to hear our pastor's speech in the beginning. And then we got to hear both the poems and the Bible verses in the background. So I thought that made the whole video very special just to have that extra piece of it in there. And then my other favorite part is honestly, mostly just seeing the guests interact with each other and interact with us, just those little moments because obviously during the day we were very busy we were in and out, running around and just to see that they were having a good time and even without us there and still remember that.
Kendrick: Yeah. I think my favorite part was hearing people cheer, which is kind of weird, but I guess I didn't notice it during the day, our wedding day. But hearing as we walked out after the ceremony or when we walked into the reception or when we were leaving the reception or first dance or cake or whatever, there was always a random person cheering, which is kind of fun to be like, "Oh, all these people are super excited for us." It brought some joy back to the watching it where there's, it's more than just music in the background, there's more than just silent video or whatever. Hearing people cheer was, I don't know, it's weird to say, but I enjoyed it actually. I don't know.
Emily: That's perfect. Last question. If someone was on the fence about hiring a videographer, what would you tell them?
Kendrick: I would say it didn't add any complexity, it really didn't. Because we already had a photographer, the photographer's going places and I felt like you were just right behind the photographer and with the photographer. It wasn't like two separate entities that, "Oh, we've got to wrangle all these cameras," it was just natural of, we're already going to make these poses, we're already going to walk down the aisle like, I mean, we're not redoing the tape. And so, there wasn't any added complexity to doing it and there's a lot of added memories. So not much risk and pretty high reward, that's the simplest way to say it.
Emily: Yeah. It was super easy and even when we were going back and forth about having a videographer, I definitely had people who would say like, "Oh, I'm not sure if you need one or whatnot," but after they've seen the video and they are like, "Wow, that was such a great idea," because now they even go back and watch it. We still get compliments when we were telling your family about it today about, and they were like, "Oh yeah, that was a really great video." And so yeah, I would definitely, definitely do it. It's worth it.

"Their Voice, Our Video" - Tricia and Kent
Tricia and Kent’s story -
“Reid: So first off if both of you wanna talk just about, and Tricia I know you weren't originally wanting to have a video, and you can talk about that too, but what was the motivation for both of you to get a videographer?
Tricia: I would say that originally we weren't gonna have a videographer until I saw another one of ones that Best Made Videos® had done. I was intrigued and thought it was something that we would want to have to commemorate our wedding, as well. When I talked to Kent, he was all for it. He said he wanted to see what I was doing all day long before the ceremony since we weren't doing a sneak peak.
Kent: I thought it was a great idea. I had not seen it until she actually pulled it up on a video once and showed me and I'm like, "Well this is fantastic" because literally, being the groom, I'm gonna be doing opposite things. I won't see what she's doing, it'd be kind of cool to actually put the whole thing together after the ceremony. I was on board.
Tricia: Honestly, it was probably one of the best decisions that we made.
Kent: Agreed.
Tricia: Super excited when we got it. We watched it several times, and I would say, that you guys not only captured the moments, like the actual pictures and the photography portion of it, but that you guys did a great job capturing the feel of the day and the emotion that was going along with it. All the happiness and the love that we were surrounded by and our personalities and some of the quirky things that we did during the day that we didn't even realize until we watched it back on the video.
Kent: You did a great job of editing by the way. The whole microphone thing on me was a bit unusual, and oh my goodness they just recorded that. Well done on the editing. We do appreciate that.
Reid: If you guys could talk about the reaction when you saw the video for the first time and, I don't want you to cry again because I know, in the video...
Kent: The first time I saw it, it was a simple best on the couch actually which is a beautiful thing. The first reaction, it was amazing. Truly you captured the entire day leading up to the ceremony, the ceremony, and the afterward. Seeing everybody from your perspective where you had the cameras set up and followed people, it was just amazing. A lot of things I had missed because you're kind of busy pictures taking, and you're shaking hands and kissing babies and I did not see a whole lot of the other things that were actually going on at the time. It was very cool to take that third person look at our ceremony and to be able to sit on our couch and enjoy it. It was awesome.
Tricia: I would agree. We not only loved watching it, like I said multiple times, but the people that we shared it with were in awe of what great video it was. Not only, the highlight video, but it was super fun to be able to go back and watch the actual ceremony in its entirety and the toasts that we had after the wedding. It was great.
Reid: If you could just one specific highlight of the video and then we'll kind of pair it with it when we shot it, but if there was this specific moment?
Tricia: For me, I'll let you say yours, but for me probably one of the things I remember the most was when I made the crazy decision to get on the back and you went running for you camera and you were not gonna miss it. That was one of the things that I was like, "It's a good thing Reid was there to capture that."
Kent: Same thing with you going grabbing your camera and it was kind of tight timing before the ceremony, but giving Tricia’s parents the painting beforehand. I really appreciated that and it came out nice on the film, too. I was like, "Oh, that's awesome."
Reid: Yeah, that was good cause it's tough where, I'd done a lot of communication with Tricia ahead of time and so even like Jeff, it kind of spent most of the morning with you. I was like, "Okay good let's get everybody involved here". I had a wedding with Jeff a couple weeks ago and the groomsmen had been in another wedding we had done this year. He was like, "that videographer, he was at another wedding I was at." I was like, "Yeah, I know. That was me. It was my company." He was like, "Oh, I didn't see you and then I was blocked out by the reception". I don't know. I was like, "Yeah, cause it's so separate." I thought that was great that he was like, "oh he really does get this, care about his." So I thought that was good, I remember that too. Finally, what would you say if someone was on the fence about having the videographer and didn't know if the cost was worth it or maybe felt uncomfortable, or for whatever reason people wouldn't want a videographer?
Kent: You wanna start there?
Tricia: I would say do it. No question. Call us if you are in doubt or on the fence because we would absolutely convince you to go with Best Made Videos®. You guys did a fantastic job and were so easy to work with. You worked seamlessly with our photographer, with all the different places since we had the big property, and there was stuff going on in the cabin and there was stuff going on in the lodge. You guys were everywhere you needed to be and it turned out amazing. Anybody that's doubting, I would say make sure you put it in your budget. It will be one of the best decisions that you make.
Kent: Just kind of elaborating on that, going back to what we were actually talking about already. From a groom's perspective and a bride's perspective you really don't know what's going on on the other side of the coin. You get to the wedding and everyone shows up, but it was just great to see how much fun Trish was having actually with her ladies getting dollied up. The guys and us getting dressed in the cabin. I think that was something that she got a chuckle out of because it's a funny group anyways with us, but boy to be able to take a holistic review, or view of the entire, and to be able to actually see it from both sides it was, yeah, well worth the money.
Reid: Perfect.
Tricia: The other thing that I would add is that we loved having the option to use our ceremony music for the video. Even though you gave us a ton of choices, that for us was the perfect fit to be able to use The Side Project music and Mike singing for the actual music on our video. Made it that much more special.
Reid: Yeah, that worked out good. I was really happy that we could get a good recording of all that.
Tricia: Great addition on your part.
Reid: Oh, good. If we don't get that, it doesn't exist. They play it during the ceremony but then it's nice to kind of get that. Awesome.
Kent: Perfect actually.
Tricia: It was. The only other thing that I would add, I put this Reid in your thank you, was that by far you were the most on top of it, prompt, organized vendor that I worked with in my wedding planning. I never had to wait cause you were aways really responsive, and for me and my Type A personality, I loved it.
Reid: No, that's good. Having gone through it I get it. It's funny talking to vendors that haven't been married, or don't get how that- and I'm like man if it's 7:30 at night, it's cause they've got like the five minutes to do it. Dorothy gets it too. You've got to hit them when people are- because then it might be a month before you have time to do it again. You don't know so you've got to be on top of it.
Tricia: I got lucky. We got lucky.
Reid: Well good. I appreciate it so much, I don't want to hold up too much of your day, but thanks for getting Skype installed and all that. I know it's kind of a pain.
Kent: No worries.
Tricia: No. Thanks for asking us”

"Their Voice, Our Video" - Nina and Aaron
Nina and Aaron’s Story -
“Reid: First off, in terms of videography, was that something you guys thought you wanted or not, or where did kind of each of you land on that at the beginning?
Nina: I was the one that thought of us getting a videographer, and I had some family members that did it, and one of my good friends, who was also one of the bridesmaids, after her wedding, she said her one regret was that she didn't get a videographer because the day just goes by so fast. So, I was the big push in us finding a videographer.
Aaron: Yeah, and the only one, too. I wasn't so excited at first, or I don't know. I didn't think it was a thing. I thought we were getting photos, but yeah. I guess looking back on it, I'm really glad we did the video and I feel like it was super important. I don't even know, I haven't seen our photos yet, but I think preferring it to photos, which are great, but the video, you feel it, you live it, and I know my dad said he cried when he watched it, so yeah. From a no to a yes. Just like me, not her.
Reid: No, but I think it's important. I think a lot of times, whether it's the bride or groom, whoever, there's always one that isn't necessarily sold on it most of the time. So, I think it's good to hear that kind of honest feedback. I think it's important. It's what I tell people.
Reid: Talk about getting the video, just that first initial, being able to watch it. What was that like?
Nina: Yeah, I think after that high of the wedding and then you go on your honeymoon and you get back, and we were getting back into normal life, it was just nice to have the video to kind of relive all of those things, and not just a sudden drop off of oh, okay. This huge event in our life, and then just back down to normal life. Which is great, but at the same time, it's awesome to have something to every Friday, kind of sit down and watch different clips, because we had all the footage, not just the highlight video, but being able to see clips of things that we didn't get to see, like our family members and them at the cocktail hour.
Aaron: Yeah, places we didn't go.
Nina: Yeah.
Aaron: Yeah, so you can pick out their name tags, all those details. Yeah. It was neat to get kind of a whole picture and see people's perspective, and I know Nina and I said quite a few times, it probably would've been pretty fun to have been guests at our wedding. So, I know the video really shows us what was going on.
Nina: Yeah, the video is like you get to be a guest at your wedding. It's nice to have something to look back on like that.
Aaron: Yeah, definitely.
Reid: It was a fun wedding. It was good, so yes, it was fun to be a guest at the wedding, and also work. It was fun.
Reid: Can you pinpoint a specific thing in the video, and I'll match it up of your each individual favorite part of the highlight, the end of the highlight video?
Nina: Gosh. It's hard to pick one favorite part. Overall, I love the story that it gives you of what's going on from the morning til through the afternoon and the ceremony, but I guess if I had to pick one favorite part, I think my favorite part was just seeing the look on Aaron's face, and the look on our family members' and our friends' faces throughout the day, just the smiles and the reactions to things, which you get that in photos too, but seeing the movement in it, and the hugs, and the laughing. I think that was my favorite part of the video.
Aaron: Yeah. I don't know if I have a specific, pinpoint favorite part. I really like all of it, and Nina always pointed out to me when she dipped out of the door and down the stairs as I started to come down the aisle, so it was kind of cool. If I had only turned around, I could've seen it.
Nina: Yeah, the section when I snuck out of the room I was hiding in in the church, there's a side door and I have to kind of come through it. I was thinking in my mind, how are they gonna get back to that back part without everybody seeing me? But that was exactly the part when Aaron's walking up the aisle, so you can kind of see me in the corner, and I just point out to him, there I am. You can see the end of my train.
Aaron: Yeah.
Reid: I know exactly what you're talking about, because the priest had kind of waved me to kind of hide a little bit when everyone was coming down, so I kind of set it, it was kind of trying to sit there. I don't even, and then I totally was editing that. I was like, oh, that's funny. You can totally see her go around. I caught that same thing. That's awesome.
Aaron: Yeah, it was pretty cool to see. Pretty cool.
Nina: Yeah.
Reid: Cool. Then if people were kind of on the fence about having a video, what would you say to them if they didn't know if it was worth it, or the cost benefit, or feeling uncomfortable, or kind of whatever?
Aaron: It was even funny. Just a couple days before our wedding, we went and hung out with some of Nina's family, and they have a few kids now. They're like, yeah, we watched our wedding video every anniversary, and even still just a couple days before our wedding I thought, oh, that's lame.
Aaron: But now, definitely. I can't say enough. Vote yes. Videos are way more important than you think. Well, than I thought.
Nina: Yeah, that's another cool thing is if we're gonna have kids, or people who didn't get to see the wedding, this is a video we can share with people who weren't there, and we've had a couple family members share clips that they took, but it's so much different when you have the whole picture and the story and the music. I think that does a better picture of the whole day as a story, rather than just okay, here's this clip of them, yeah, dancing. Here's this clip of him walking down the aisle. It's something that we can have to share with people who didn't get to be there that day.
Aaron: Yeah. I don't know. I like it. I've watched it 10 times now, probably. Yeah, I even watched it with some of my friends, which I thought I would also never thought I would do. But yeah.
Nina: Yeah, what's funny is Brian, Aaron's best man came over the other day for dinner, and I had a joke with Aaron. I was like, oh, maybe we'll watch the wedding video. Brian was the first one to ask. He's like, "So, did you get the video back?"
Aaron: Yeah, yeah.
Nina: Yeah.
Aaron: He liked it.
Nina: Yeah.
Reid: That's awesome.
Nina: Yeah, I don't ... yeah. Thank you so much, Reid. I mean, yeah. It's awesome. We really liked your style. It was just super clean and ...
Nina: Yeah. I think some of the ones we saw here, it was this dramatic shot and kind of-
Aaron: Really choppy.
Nina: Choppy clips. But yeah, we just loved being able to see. I think you really captured the story well, and when we saw some of the client videos that you had in the past, we could really tell because I think each couple's video is so unique. Some of the other videographers we watched, every single video kind of seemed the same as you watched couple to couple. Then when we watched the videos on your site, it was like each couple seemed to have their own story, so it really helped us feel confident that you'd tell our story accurately, and we definitely felt that way when we watched it.
Aaron: Yeah.
Nina: Yeah.
Aaron: The only other thing I'd say is you can't go back. You cannot go back in time and have a video made, so ...
Nina: So, do it.
Aaron: Do it.”

"Their Voice, Our Video" - Kimi and John
Kimi and John’s story -
“Reid: Cool. Well thanks. If you want to just start off with in terms of videography, what was the thought process of going into your wedding day without something you knew you wanted right away or were you not sure at first or?
John: Yeah, I think in the beginning we both thought videography was really important because the pictures give you a nice snapshot of the moment in time but videography gives you pretty good idea of, you know, all the sounds and the emotion really takes you back. So, from the beginning we thought we really wanted videography.
Reid: Kimi, what did you think?
Kimi: Yeah, definitely. You know, I think that the day and just memories in general are really made by voices and hearing laughter and videography is the only way to capture that. I'm so thankful we chose to do it. It really lived up to every expectation that we had.
Reid: So then, when you guys got the video, if you could kind of describe being able to watch it the first time, what was that like?
John: It was great. It was like we were transported back to the day. It was really exciting being able to share that with our friends and family and kind of relive it together.
Kimi: Yeah. I think it's always a little embarrassing to watch yourself on camera and to hear your voice but it was so magical and you quickly forget how embarrassing it is at the beginning. That has been something that we really cherish and we've watched a couple of times. I know my family has just loved it. Those who weren't able to attend had seen it and felt like they were there. Everyone just feels like it really captured the day. It was really magical. We chose to watch it together and we were kind of apart, traveling when you sent it over and we waited to watch it together and it was really a nice experience, really special.
Reid: If you could both highlight a specific moment from the highlight video and then I'll show that, you know, when we're talking about it, just from the highlights that you know, something that was like a favorite that you got to see on there.
Kimi: I really love, there's a scene where James, one of the groomsmen, is popping his jacket open and it's just like, no one knows what we're supposed to be doing and it was just so comical and perfect for the day. I think it really summed up our bridal party fairly well. He's like, popping it open and then giving John kisses on the side. It was perfectly James.
John: Yeah, I think mine was also with the groomsmen and just some of the video of us getting ready, which you don't really think at the moment is something that you're gonna look back fondly on and then you see the video and it's just, like it takes you right back and it's, I don't know. You just really appreciate you know, your friends so much.
Reid: Then, what was it like on the day of in terms of having the video. Was that pretty seamless? What was that like?
John: Yeah, it was totally seamless. It was amazing, you know, having you there and your assistant. It seemed like you guys were always one step ahead of us, ready to get the perfect shot set up and we just knew that you were getting everything's multiple angles and didn't interfere with the day's events at all.
Reid: Kimi, what did you think?
Kimi: Yeah, it was the perfect mixture. Like, you weren't there at all, we didn't notice you, and then in the moment that we needed you to catch John before he slipped into the water, you were right there. Swept in and saved the day, but then disappeared into the background. So it was really, I don't know, just fun to have you guys there hanging out. We felt like you guys were just part of the bridal party.
Reid: I actually just ran into Yuri the other day, I think it was Saturday, we were going wine tasting and we stopped by Target and we just, I don't know, crossed paths. It was funny to kind of get to see him, because I knew he lived around here so kind of bounce into him and I got to meet his wife and stuff, so it was kind of exciting, too. He has his little kid and Dorothy, so it was kind of fun to get to hang out.
Reid: Then in terms of like, if someone was on the fence about having a video or they weren't sure, what would you say to them about that?
John: Wanna go first?
Kimi: You have to do it. You have to have the video. It's so important for the day. You know, everything happens so quickly and you're worried about so many little things that you don't get to appreciate all the moments, and this video is the only way that you're gonna get to do that, you know, to look back and see everyone. And also see the parts of the day that you weren't there for, like, we had the [inaudible 00:05:16] and missed all of cocktail hour and we got to see all of cocktail hour here in the video, which I thought was really neat and all the dancing and just having the vows on video as well. It was nice. Because that's the largest blur probably, I thought we were both so nervous.
John: Yeah. I totally agree 'cause it goes by so fast and you have so much adrenaline that you know, a lot of it just kind of all blurs together and you miss pieces so, like instead of going back, if you ever watch it on video, it's just incredible.
Reid: Cool. Is there anything else I didn't ask that you had on mind, I don't know. At that I feel like I just kind of roll through so ...
Kimi: I don't think so. Choose Reid!
John: Yeah, yeah.
Kimi: John described you as like the lovable golden retriever of our bridal party, just like always there to help and catch the moment and just so fun and nice to have around, so.
Reid: Yeah, I appreciate, yeah, it was a really fun day. We never really know which ones are gonna be like awesome and it was just really cool and so I know Jeff, too, we both kind of had a good time, so it was fun. We never know what's gonna end up being awesome and it was a really great day, so thanks!”

"Their Voice, Our Video" - Laura and James
Laura and James’ story -
“Reid: First off in terms of videography was that a high priority, or what did you guys think about that heading into the wedding day?
James: Go ahead.
Laura: That was a high priority. We knew that we'd been a video on our wedding day, I guess as soon as we decided we were going to get married. We had already talked about that.
James: Yeah, I kind of feel the same way. I mean, we knew this was something that, the memories are nice while you're there in the moment, but we knew the video was something we could capture and take forward with us throughout the years. That was important to me as well.
Reid: And so when it came time to selecting the vendor, was there specific things you were looking for, or how did that go about?
Laura: Yeah, so there were specific things we were looking for. A lot places don't have an elopement package or they just have one package, and that's sort of just for everybody, so it's not tailored to a certain amount of time, certain amount of minute clips on the video. We didn't want a 20-minute video. We just wanted a highlight type of video. And then just dealing with researching the information, we were kind of on a short timeline, so it was important to us to just have everything on the website. If you guys, it was all there and available. We knew what we were getting. It's what we wanted. But with other companies, the information is hidden. We didn't really have the time to set up a lot of meetings, research that information out.
James: And that's kind of what I appreciated about reviewing your website whenever we were doing it because of the transparency of knowing what we were going to get. And i know some of the bundled things were there in other packages, and we just couldn't accommodate everything that they were looking for. But with yours it was easier to accommodate our situation for our elopement, you know, on a little bit shorter of a notice. And also, this would have been like a year later, we definitely would have got the drone, yeah. Cause that's a little bit before our time, I was really wanting the drone, but yeah. Like I said, with our jobs at the ... like right here now it just wasn't the right time so ...
Reid: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then talk about kind of the day of, what was the experience like for you guys, in terms of like adding on the video where not everybody has that. So what was that kind of experience like day of?
Laura: Yeah, the day of I guess I really didn't know what to expect, but it was great, having you guys there videoing it. And I mean, like, sometimes I didn't really realize you guys were there and James and I could just do our own thing. And then other times, you know, you all were more like interactive and like provided direction for us. That was really helpful. But I still felt like we got to spend a lot of alone time together even though you guys were there videoing and other people taking pictures and stuff.
James: Yeah it was pretty easy for me. Like I'm pretty relaxed in most environments so it's kind of nice to just kind of shooting the breeze with you all. If I don't know what to do I just ask y'all and you let me know so ... that was an easy part for me.
Reid: Yeah I would say definitely relaxed and easygoing would be two words I would also choose to talk about you. And then what was it like getting the video, what was it like getting to watch that and experience it back kind of the first time you opened it?
Laura: So we got the email and we weren't together. So we waited until we were together so we could watch it together. And it was just incredible. I think I'm very much like OCD, and I want to plan everything out to the minor detail, but it was just like great for you guys to make something creative and put it all together. It was amazing. It was better than anything that I could have come up with by myself. And I just loved that kind of scenes transitions and it included every part in that questionnaire that we wanted to see. And like the music component, searching through all the songs. Like I thought he was so ahead, like some say in picking like okay any of these songs are fine, but then you guys decided which one was the best fit. It was great. I mean, I cried, but I guess I'll cry when I'm watching it every time so ...
James: Yeah it was really nice. I like having the two options. Like the highlighted reel and then the ceremony, so that was really nice. Everything worked out really well, and sometimes whenever we'd get into conversations and I'd be thinking in the back of my head like, "Oh, I wonder if that's gonna make it in the video, but then we add the music playing over it and it was just seamless so that kind of ... that was nice. You added like a nice artistic touch to everything so I appreciate that.
Reid: If you could each talk about a specific scene in the video that you particularly enjoy, or like your favorite part I know it's hard sometimes ...
Laura: No, my favorite scene has to be when James dropped the cake cause I just gave him this look and I was looking at him like that all the time. And I don't ever realize it, you know. I don't know what it looks like. And I'm just like, "Oh, yeah. That's classic."
James: Yeah that was a ....that's probably ... like I probably have two favorite scenes. Like the one where we're dropping the cake, that's definitely probably my more favorite because that explains exactly what I'm getting into. But the other part is where you're capturing the vows, of us each stating the vows, just kind of like an emotional time, saying those type of things to each other, like in that type of setting so, that was the other thing that I really appreciated, as well.
Reid: And then finally, if someone was on the fence about having the video, if they didn't know, either for cost or for like convenience, or they didn't know about it, what would you say if someone was on the fence about it?
Laura: I would say that the memories are like the most important thing to us, not you know stuff, or accumulating more stuff for vacations or anything like that, so just having the video there and looking back on it like on our anniversaries or just like whenever like date night, watching the video, it just brings back that day. And I can't explain the emotions and memories and that to me ... that means more than having stuff. So I'm glad that we did it, otherwise I think I would have regretted not doing it.
James: Yeah. And I mean we're kind of particular, I mean you've got a couple pharmacists here so we're kind of particular on quality so whenever we were reviewing other videos and kind of seeing what we were able to get we thought like we could trust the quality that you are bringing with it. So, with that being said, and how accommodating it was for you to come accommodate our situation, with our elopement, I think the price is pretty reasonable in regards to that, but no problems with that.
Reid: Perfect! Is there anything else I didn't ask? I think you guys did absolutely fantastic.
Laura: No.
James: Not that I can think of.
Reid: Awesome, well thank you guys. I really appreciate it. I know in trying to schedule and getting Skyped and everything, it means a lot to kind of reconnect with clients and get to do this for a few minutes, so, thank you guys.
James: Yeah, thank you.
Reid: And if you ever need anything just let me know, but I really appreciated it and it was really fun day. And I know Matt and I had a lot of fun and so thank you guys. I really appreciate it.
Laura: Yeah thanks.
James: Yeah, thank you. Thank you for being there for our special day.
Reid: Awesome, well thank you guys. Have a great night, I appreciate it.
James: Alright, you too.
Reid: Awesome thanks.
James: Bye.
Laura: Bye.”

"Their Voice, Our Video" - Sally and Nick
Sally and Nick's story -
"Reid: I guess if you could both independently or together speak on each, what was your thoughts going in and getting the wedding video to begin with?
Nick: I think it was overall a really good experience. You were really easy to work with, I think Sally appreciated your response time was excellent.
Sally: To this day.
Nick: And when you're planning a wedding that's really the thing that you're looking for is quick response time, easy to work with, everything straightforward.
Sally: It's such an intimate moment that's being comfortable with someone who's really with you from the moment you start getting ready to the end of the night and being able to just feel comfortable and just excited to be sharing that moment with somebody there as well.
Nick: Yeah, it was a great experience overall.
Sally: And we got our video four days later.
Reid: Was videography something you thought you wanted? Was it kind of on the fence or what was your thoughts heading into the wedding?
Nick: We thought that we wanted to spend our money on things that would last. You can make your wedding nice, but some of that stuff goes by and it ends at the end of the night. Photography and videos, those are the things that kind of last. We put some thought into it but we thought we would invest in things like that that would last. We're happy with that we ...
Sally: To be fair we didn't know where to start though, we would watch videos online and we're like oh some are super cheesy and some aren't really our style. But we found you and you were so responsive again, we had so many questions really in the beginning because we didn't know what to expect. That was super helpful in helping us decide what to do.
Reid: And then what was your reaction when you guys saw the video?
Sally: Our video?
Reid: Yeah.
Sally: Oh my God, I was ecstatic because we had just landed in Bora Bora for our honeymoon and that was the first thing we did. Let me tell you it was amazing, but we got into our room and the first thing we did was watch the video. It was the perfect balance of capturing the day but you had edited so perfectly. There's one scene where my makeup artist and I are surprised and you captured it perfectly, it's in-between our vows. It couldn't have been better, there was nothing for us to say other than thank you.
Nick: I think our style is we like simplicity, we like things being straightforward. As Sally said, we don't like things being over the top, cheesy or anything like that. And I think that's what the final product ended up being was capturing what the day was. Everything was simple, but tastefully done and straightforward. We're really happy with it.
Sally: It's really nice to go back to those moments. Especially when I was saying my vows I was just bawling so to be able to go back and see it when I'm not, it was really awesome.
Reid: What was a favorite moment specific from you guys about the video? Because then I try to kind of match it up.
Nick: Do you have one?
Sally: You go first I'm thinking.
Nick: All the reaction shots are pretty cool.
Sally: Yeah, mine was probably the dress shot for sure. And then I really like how the video started right away with our vows where Dale our officiant is starting off with his brief but kind of meaningful of how the work really is between us and then going into our vows from there. That really kind of set up the whole video for us and carried the theme all the way through.
Nick: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Reid: I'm glad you guys liked the dress shot, those were good.
Nick: Yeah.
Sally: So awesome, I don't ... right now.
Reid: They were good. And Nick what about you?
Nick: The first look was pretty cool, that's really the one thing that you get is the first look of when you're going to get married.
Sally: I was so emotional.
Nick: Capturing that moment, that in itself might have been worth it.
Sally: I think we were surprised at how emotional that moment was because we were kind of prepared for the ceremony part of it, but that moment was good.
Nick: Yeah.
Reid: And then finally, what would you say to couples that they were kind of on the fence about videography? I guess what would be kind of your thoughts about it?
Sally: The day goes by so incredibly fast, there's no way that you could possibly remember all of it. And then there's so much that you don't get to be a part of because you're either mingling or getting ready, you're doing photos. You're really able to capture everything that we missed and the things that we won't really be able to soak in until later.
Nick: And then you can, on your wedding day you can plan out the food but the food's gone at the end of the night. You can plan out the drinks, but it's gone at the end of the night. The things that stay with you for years down the line is the memories that you can relive with photos and with videos as well especially.
Sally: I still tear up watching the video, Reid.
Reid: That's good.
Sally: It's like watching it in present day.
Nick: I'd say if you're on the fence this is the stuff that lasts.
Sally: Yeah, this is what really you'll take away from the wedding.
Reid: Perfect, the you go. You guys did great. Thank you so much. It was so funny I was just down in Vegas for that conference and I was walking in the room and Dale was there. I was like oh what's up man? He was doing a big talk on officiant and I think it was pre-wedding counseling.
Sally: We really do appreciate everything, your responsiveness and getting the video to us so quickly. We've heard horror stories from our friends, it took them a year to get their video back. And we loved every minute of ours, so thank you.
Reid: Well Juliana was great, I saw the photos.
Sally: Yeah.
Reid: I hope you guys ended up having a good experience with everything.
Sally: Yeah, for sure.
Reid: It was really fun, it was fun for us too. I really appreciate it because that's kind of why we do it.
Sally: My sister just got engaged so as they start planning I will send her your way.
Reid: There you go, I appreciate it. I hope she's as cool as you guys.
Sally: Yeah.
Reid: You guys enjoy, good luck with house hunting.
Sally: Thank you.
Nick: Great, thank you so much.
Reid: Have a good night, appreciate it.
Sally: Bye."

"Their Voice, Our Video" - Angelina and Taylor
Angelina and Taylor’s story -
“Reid: Yeah, cool Well thank you guys. I was putting together all of our 2019 weddings today, I do a big compilation. And so I went back and kind of was going through the day and it was so fun to kind of go through everything and look, I hope you guys had fun.
Taylor: Oh yeah.
Angelina: Yeah.
Reid: There's a very prominent scene that we'll put, that's in the highlight video. So I'm excited, I'm going to post it in the next couple days and I'll tag everybody in it.
Taylor: Oh cool.
Reid: I'm excited, yeah. Cool. So first off, if you want to just each of you kind of talk about, was video important going into the wedding, or was that something you guys thought you wanted, or where were you kind of leading into the wedding, what were you thinking?
Angelina: I know it was fine for me, because I had only ever seen my parents wedding video which was really bad, and it was like a family friend stood in the back of the really dark church, and I was like, "I don't want that." So that's what this is, and I'm not like super interested. So I know my mom and my aunt really pressed me on it, because her wedding video, even though it's not great has a lot of people in it that aren't here anymore, and that was their point was, even if you don't think it's a big deal, we think it's a big deal and we think you'll eventually see that it was a big deal. So we watched your guy's, the example videos, and I was like, "This is really cool." Because I don't know, the intermingling of the music over and then people talking. And actual audio from the day, I was like, "Okay, that actually is a good idea." And then when we got the highlight video from you, which was like the first night of our honeymoon, we were both crying in the hotel.
Taylor: It was good, yeah.
Angelina: I was like, "Oh my God, this is one of the best things that we even spent money on for the whole wedding." People can eat hot dogs, for all I care. If we made sure that we had the video. So it ended up being like one of my favorite things from the whole wedding was having it, and it captured the day so perfectly. So it ended up being ... it was just awesome.
Taylor: I had never really thought about getting a video done, because for my parents they didn't have video, or at least as far as I know. They just had pictures. Then for my brother's wedding, the father of the bride had a camera in the back and the father of the groom had camera in the front. And that was 10 years ago and it still hasn't been mixed together. So, this was great. To have it completely produced, completely put together for us, and essentially immediately available. I didn't want to put Reid under too much pressure tp deliver in a day, because that would be incredible. But yeah, we were able to get on the plane, get to the hotel, and by the time the baggage was out of our hands and dinner was decided upon, the video was ready for us, it was awesome.
Reid: So yeah, so talk about that initial seeing the video, what was that like?
Taylor: I think I was probably on the hotel bed, right?
Angelina: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Taylor: Like exhausted from a day of travel and the day of cleanup after the wedding. And I was just glad to see it. Something that we didn't have to try and fool around with the hotel channel guy.
Angelina: It was also the ... the whole day actually felt like a total blur, and so watching the video back, not even 48 hours later it was like, we caught things that you don't notice in the moment because everything is going so fast and you're so ...
Taylor: Which kind of seems silly to say, because everyone kept saying it's going to go really fast. It's going to go on a blink. And then it actually did.
Angelina: Yeah, and it totally did. So getting it that soon after, and done so well. And then there was moments that made it to the video that I didn't see, because we were separated before the ceremony, so seeing him with our nephew and with his best men was so funny. It just ... I know that the guys were debating what to have playing music wise, and somebody said Prince and so then I hear under the chatter in the groom's suite, the Prince playing, and I'm like, "Oh my gosh." That's part of it's now, but it's funny and it's like their little thing. And then I get to see it, so it feels like, oh that's kind of what I think maybe everybody else was feeling watching the video. As they're getting a peek as something special for us, but there's even easter eggs in it for both of us.
Taylor: Yeah. And we knew the photographers would be getting one thing, the videographers would be getting another. So it kind of took the pressure off us I guess to try and remember everything in the moment.
Angelina: Yeah.
Taylor: We just experienced the day, because we still had so many lenses around us and it was ... it was all very natural to us, I think.
Angelina: Yeah.
Reid: Yeah, talk about the actual logistics and was it pretty easy? I mean, because I do think that some people worry, like, it's going to feel like a lot.
Angelina: Yeah.
Taylor: It was really easy. The cameras weren't big and bulky, there were no light bars taking up half the dressing room or anything like that. The photographers which were from a different company and the videographers, Reid, everyone was working together and collaborating. So it was great to have a chance ... I mean, it kind of felt relaxing. Maybe not for you because you were getting your hair and makeup done.
Angelina: It didn't feel super weird. Because I know ... I think having photos done before the actual day of helped me get a little bit more used to it. But still, a video camera you're going to be like, "Oh my gosh, am I sitting funny?" But it didn't feel invasive or oppressive having cameras in the room. I think both of you that were there that day were able to chitchat with people, and it matched really well. And I think that helps a lot. Is sort of like the social integration that you're not just these silent, the weird ones in the corner with a camera. You're like, engaging with everybody and I think it makes other people feel comfortable too. Because they're like, "Oh gosh, I'm on video now." But it breaks the ice and it makes people feel like, "Okay, be myself." And you can totally tell that.
Angelina: Because there's moments captured where I'm like, "Oh that's so, so and so."
Taylor: Well and it must be a weird social dynamic for someone to have to work a wedding when you're dealing with a whole bunch of wedding drama and friends and family that obviously don't see each other, and probably not sober in most areas. So they have the whole video crew there acting, more or less like they were invited guests. But without demanding the things that invited guests do. It was really easy.
Angelina: Yeah.
Reid: Awesome, that was great. That was a good ... thank you. In terms of a favorite part of the video, and I'll try to match it up. The highlight video specifically, if you could mention maybe a highlight that you each had.
Angelina: I think just our vows. Because I was so nervous saying mine, that it's like I don't even remember actually saying them. My memory is now of how it was captured and then put into the video. Because I was like, the closest to an out of body experience I've ever had. Because I'm like all these people, and I'm about to pour my heart out. But, I think it was captured really, really well. Then I think the second favorite is just this funny moment that we caught after the fact. So my main of honor was putting her shoes on in the bath tub because we all think it's hilarious when wedding venues have bathtubs. Or when his best man puts on his boutonniere and smacks him a couple times. And he's like atta boy, and these moments that you don't think of in the moment, as being so important necessarily. Like the vows are obviously massive, but those little moments that make all the people that are in our lives, the people that we have in our lives, it's really cool to have that to look back on.
Taylor: Yeah, I loved the vows especially because for the whole wedding we were working on everything together, the whole way through. And our family was involved in a lot of it too. Except for the vows. I had no idea what she was doing, she had no idea what I was doing. What had happened, it was kind of like a wave crashing over you to be able to get that all captured, and turned around so quickly, actually, "Okay, you really did say all that stuff." As we're here on our honeymoon, relaxing, we can see, "Okay, you said that, you still seem to be feeling the same way."
Angelina: 28 hours later.
Taylor: Marriage seems to be going all right. You already have that kind of evidence in your back pocket. I think for me, the favorite part was just seeing the joy on the peoples faces who ... honestly, we didn't get a lot of time to talk to anybody.
Angelina: No.
Taylor: So maybe 30 seconds per guest is what we had face time wise. So to be able to watch that back so instantly and know okay, uncle so and so doesn't have a grudge against me because I only spent five seconds with him. He was having a good time with aunt heather.
Reid: Yeah, and it's such a ... my good friend got married April two years ago and it was the same thing. We got done with his ceremony and we went in to like sign, and he was like, "I literally don't remember what just happened." And it had been 30 seconds. So yeah, that's a great point. And then finally, just if someone was on the fence about having the videographer, what would you say if they weren't sure it was worth the cost, or you know, all that.
Angelina: I think pictures are really important, and that was something that was really important to me. But there's something about the way that video can capture someones entire demeanor and the tone of their voice, and the way that they are at the ceremony, at your wedding or whatever it is. I know the thought that my mom and my aunt had was that some of these people, they're not going to be here forever. But you have them as they were, that day, which is like ... they're probably going to be the most happy for you they are at any point in your life. And to be able to see that, even later on. It's hard to explain how important and meaningful that is. Until you have it in your hands, and you're like oh gosh, yeah.
Angelina: Even the younger ones. We've got the moment where our niece screams, "We do." When the pastor asked who all chooses to pass blessing upon this couple, and that's going to be so funny to show her that later. Like maybe at her own wedding. You can't convey the whole sort of context of a moment just with pictures and retelling the story. It's so much better having the actual footage and audio and all of it all together. It really is priceless.
Taylor: Yeah, I think as we're talking now, it's almost nine months since the wedding. And I kind of forgot that she said, "We do." So loudly. We've got 100 some odd pictures from the day, we've got thousands of pictures of the little nieces and nephew from that same sort of age range. But only the one video of them right then, with us forever in that kind of moment. Which like you said, we're going to be able to bring that out to them for their weddings, and maybe their kids weddings, who knows how long we'll be around. But the video is sure going to be around for a heck of a long time.
Angelina: Yeah.
Taylor: I'm very glad we did that. That along with our desserts I think was probably the best choices we made. And then getting married too.
Angelina: Agreed.
Reid: Awesome, and Taylor, just a final ... elevator pitch, last 10 second thing to round it out here.
Taylor: Okay, elevator pitch, let me think.
Taylor: Okay.
Taylor: The guestbook for us got screwed up. The pictures were wonderful, but there will never be enough of them. But the video we get to re-watch over and over again, and see everybody's faces in real time, and hear their voices. And it made the day for us.
Angelina: Yes, I think so.
Reid: The one last ... and I'll let you go. Tidbit I was just going to share, we were back at Trinity Tree, almost exactly a month after you guys. It was like, April something. And it torrential down poured all day.
Taylor: Really?
Reid: We literally couldn't even, like ... I'm talking you couldn't even go out past the porch. Like it was so ... and obviously we did the ceremony inside too. But I'm talking even family ... everything was on that porch out back. Their couples portraits we shot over that fireplace to try and ... like shooting out. It was horrible. It was really hard. It was really hard. So you guys lucked out being able to do a bunch of stuff. You know, running around the trees and stuff.
Angelina: Yeah.
Taylor: Yeah.
Reid: Yeah, it was a tough day. So anyway, be very lucky about that.
Taylor: Yeah, well it was so strange to think that another five degrees in early March and we could have had it all outside.
Reid: Yeah, yeah. I don't know, I think it's good. I think it's always better to be safe than sorry. As long as you can do some photos outside I think it's fine.
Angelina: Yeah.
Taylor: Yeah.
Angelina: I think initially I wanted outside, but then after we started setting up inside I was like okay, this is fine. This room is the same, so.
Taylor: But it does speak to the ability that you've got, is that you were so mobile you know? You were there running around just as much as any photographers and the equipment wasn't weighing you down. You got in and you got every shot that the photographers did, but in real time and with ... you know.
Angelina: Bigger equipment.
Taylor: Yeah.
Angelina: And sound, and all that stuff.
Taylor: Yeah, it was really beautiful. Street shots were great too.
Angelina: I know, yeah. Some of the raw footage you sent us, we found one of his friends and her husband like stole a chocolate covered almond from her, and you captured her like death glare.
Reid: Oh, yeah yeah yeah.
Taylor: She gave him the best Italian stink eye, ever.
Angelina: The funniest thing. I sent it to her every once in awhile to remind her. Like remember this? And she laughed.
Taylor: And now they have a kid, that was before they were parents.
Angelina: Yeah.
Taylor: That was probably right around the time they ...
Angelina: Got pregnant.
Taylor: Got pregnant, yeah.
Reid: Oh my god. I'm glad you guys could go through that too, because that's always the goal. So you never know how much people were able to do all that. So that's awesome.
Taylor: Yeah.
Reid: Well good, thank you guys, I really appreciated it and you were on and ready and coordinated and I just appreciate it so much, this kind of stuff means a lot. Just to be able to match it with your video and send it out and stuff. And so I use it a lot for booking with clients and stuff. So I really appreciate it.
Angelina: Yeah, for sure.
Taylor: Yeah.”

"Their Voice, Our Video" - Jazmyn and Josh
Jazmyn and Josh’s story -
“Reid: So, first off, talk about kinda what made you wanna get a videographer? What was the ... And if both of you guys can answer each question, that would be helpful.
Jazmyn: Yeah.
Josh: Okay.
Jazmyn: I guess I'll start. We knew from the beginning that capturing our big day just can only imagine what it would be like to be so immersed in it and then look back on it and know that the memories that were captured in a very quality way would be huge. Whether or not that's ... We would sacrifice, I guess, other parts of the day in order to ensure that we could have the right videography and photography to be right there alongside us to capture those moments.
Jazmyn: And running into you at the Tulalip Wedding Show actually, that was a really good first look at yourself and Best Made Videos. And then to kinda have that solidified further through a friend who through media, met her in production and she kind of put your name out there and you were immediately responsive and up for our challenge, actually.
Josh: Yeah.
Jazmyn: You had a unique one.
Josh: Yeah. I can touch on that. They meant being able to do what you guys did with capturing our moment, our beautiful ceremony and then turning it around at such a quick time was absolutely stunning. Everyone was floored at the reception. It was absolutely incredible.
Jazmyn: They couldn't believe it.
Josh: Yeah. I mean, that was really what we had envisioned and you guys encapsulated it perfectly. So I think that was a huge part in why we chose you guys, specifically, but we're gonna have this wedding to remember forever and wanna be able to remember it and all those amazing little things that happened throughout the day that maybe we would forget, but not with the amazing video we have.
Reid: Thanks. Normally, I ask people what was your reaction to seeing the video? Which is normally after the wedding at some point. But you guys were unique 'cause it was kinda during your wedding. What was that like? And then also then, if you wanna give me the full one when you guys were able to watch that. However, you wanna approach that.
Jazmyn: Yeah, we knew we wanted to share every part of the day with everyone that we could, but having kind of a more smaller, private ceremony at the onset of the day, challenging you with trying to turn around something before having a bigger reception and seeing that final product couldn't have been more perfect. And just you guys adding to it a really great crew made it more personalized in that even you got something to us within just a few short hours so that we could share very nicely done, quality, great string of capturing even just literally your parts of the day so nicely.
Jazmyn: And then in just a couple weeks, the fastest turnaround that we would have expected and a full blown-out video was the total package.
Josh: Yeah, and one of the things that I'll never forget about the wedding day and the reception in general is just the reaction of people when they were watching the video that you created. We weren't there watching, but we were kind of behind the scenes kinda peeking out and just the reactions that we got from everyone that was there, it was pretty incredible. So cool and I'll never forget that.
Jazmyn: You got every piece of detail in our lives. Things that we wouldn't have even expected or seen, but we knew could definitely be part of us. Even from the smallest piece of getting a good close-up of our tats together. And just the moments in between with our bridal party. It was huge.
Reid: Specifically, on the highlight, is there a ... And we try to kinda I'll show it when we talk about, like a specific moment ... something that you enjoyed seeing from the highlight video?
Jazmyn: Yeah. I know from the onset you've been very flexible about whatever type of package you could put together. We knew that we wanted a drone especially going from one venue to another and knowing what kind of Seattle weather can potentially present during a May timeframe can be a little bit difficult, but you guys were on-the-fly ready to use it or not and you caught the most stunning drone capture looking over the [Ballard Locks 00:05:14] and then again over [South Lake Union 00:05:16] and panning onto China Harbor. So for that to be a day in and of itself stunning from being a sunny day to also capturing the entire view of Seattle's scape for a place that we call home since we've even been kids is just really special. That was a key element for myself.
Josh: Yeah. That was stunning. The fact that you took one like our main ceremony spot and then went to our reception spot. It just felt like it was so perfect that it transitioned right into the reception where everyone was able to watch the video for the first time. And I can't tell you how many times we watched the video, the highlight video, when we got it. Just after the wedding, just to reminisce. I don't know. 20, 30, 40 times. Just so special just to relive that moment, all those moments. So it's pretty incredible.
Jazmyn: My mom has even with all of your great blogs capturing different elements of weddings or the best weddings, each time that she's even gone to watch it, she's impressed. It just goes from the music, the transitions you make, the selections, the piece of detail of the people that are involved. And telling a story, which we love looking back on whenever we can.
Josh: Yeah. Absolutely.
Reid: Awesome. And then if someone was on the fence about wedding videography and they didn't know if it was worth it or if people would watch it. That's what I get a lot is like, "Oh, nobody watches it," or, "We're never gonna watch it." What would you say if someone was on the fence? Talk to them about it.
Josh: You want me to go first this time?
Jazmyn: Sure.
Josh: So, it's kinda funny. Back 20 years ago, you'd have a VHS that I think you'd have a valid argument of maybe no one will ever watch this. But, nowadays, it's right in your fingertips. It's on your phone. You can relive that moment right then. It's so worth the money that it costs to have more than just a photo that maybe is a great memory, but you don't have all the little detail that happened in between and all the moments you wanna capture that you can with a video. It's so special.
Jazmyn: Even for those that maybe didn't get a chance to participate or see you on that day, it's just another way of extending beyond just the memories, but also with those that kind of share the same love and respect and wanna be a part of your lives in that way. So, I think having a video to encapsulate the pieces that are harder to convey in just a photo is just ... I can be at a loss for words because of how video is just so intriguing and has come a long way and has enhanced form of that kinda storytelling.
Reid: Perfect. Good job.
Jazmyn: Thanks!
Reid: Is there anything else that you wanted to share? Any other comments? That was perfect. That was so good. Thank you so much.
Jazmyn: No, we're happy to. No, Reid, you and your team, there's a reason why you guys have excelled and you do good work. It shows in the final products that you guys deliver and even in just the professionalism that you hold and showcase. For those that ... Yeah, it's centered around us on that day, but we know that you're seeing different brides and grooms day in and day out, so just the level of charisma that you have, but also talent, is something that we hope that we continue to relay and communicate to you because it was invaluable.
Josh: Yeah. I'm kind of a review junkie and all the reviews on your page and you look and you're like, "Oh, my God, why is it so good? There must be something going on." But every review that you've gotten, you've obviously earned because you've over-delivered. You were so prompt, so quick. It's so exciting to get that video and you don't have to wait months and months and months for it. It was fantastic.
Jazmyn: Your passion shows through and we'd like to think we're a very passionate couple, as well, in the things that we're involved in. So just having that in both a highlight reel and then a full eight-minute ... I wasn't even expecting that. Length video. I'm floored, but we're exceptionally pleased with going through with what we had already set out and trying to secure from the get-go.
Reid: Perfect! Thank you so much!”

"Their Voice, Our Video" - Marcy and Mark
Marcy and Mark’s story -
“Reid: So first off, what was the thoughts behind getting a videographer? Did you want one, were you hesitant, or what were you guys thinking about that?
Marcy: You first.
Mark: Okay. I wanted one because at least of everyone I talked to, they said one of the things they regretted not having was a videographer. So I wanted to make sure we had that. So pictures are nice, but sometimes it's just nice watching it.
Marcy: I didn't really want one at first because I was crunching the numbers, but then after all was said and done, the video part was my favorite part of the whole experience. The videos and pictures, those were probably the best ... The highlights of it.
Reid: Why was that your favorite part?
Marcy: 'Cause you could actually see the candid moments in between. And also seeing it from besides my perspective, just everyone else's perspective too.
Reid: And Mark, do you think that was one of your favorite parts too, or what do you think about it?
Mark: Yeah, I like the video a lot. I like being able to relive it a little bit again.
Marcy: Yeah.
Reid: Tell me about being able ... When you guys were able to watch the video for the first time, what was that experience like?
Marcy: I think I watched it a hundred times that day. It was good, it was like ... I think the wedding day itself goes by way too fast, and then when you're actually watching the video, you're like, "Okay." You see a lot of moments that you didn't catch when you were experiencing it. So it was definitely priceless.
Reid: Mark, what did you think of it when you saw it?
Mark: Yeah, like she said, when you're going through the wedding day, it's hard to remember and you don't notice everything 'cause you're just running around the whole time. But then when you get a chance to sit down and watch it, you get to see more of, "Oh, this happened or that happened." See everyone's reactions a little bit more, so it's cool actually seeing the wedding rather than just experiencing it through our eyes.
Reid: And then if you could each do a favorite part of the highlight video and I'll try to match it up, the highlight one, the short one. If you could talk about a favorite moment of that.
Marcy: I think for me it's at the end when everyone's dancing. You were gonna say that?
Mark: Yeah.
Marcy: Yeah, that was probably my favorite. It was fun.
Mark: I like the blooper at the end too.
Marcy: Yeah, with the bouquet. That was funny.
Mark: Yeah the outtakes and everything.
Marcy: Yeah. That was my favorite too.
Reid: And also your guys' ceremony and vows were so powerful and ... Did you enjoy being able to go back and have all that stuff captured as well?
Marcy: Yeah.
Mark: Yeah, I like watching her vows. I cringe at my own voice, but watching her stuff is great.
Marcy: I like your vows. I like how the video progress and then it just showed you first and then me next, us saying our vows in the background. It made it a little bit more sentimental.
Reid: And then, if anybody was on the fence about videography, if they weren't sure if it was worth it, like you weren't really sure and trying to crunch the numbers and stuff, what would you say if somebody was on the fence about it?
Marcy: I would definitely just do it. You only get married once hopefully and it's the best way to remember it. You won't regret it.
Reid: And Mark?
Mark: I definitely recommend it as well, 'cause you get to experience your wedding from another perspective outside your own, very focused version of it.
Marcy: Yeah.
Mark: So you get to see your wedding rather than just running around, busy the whole time.
Marcy: And as the years go by, little tit bits of it, memories will fade, but you'll have that video to look back on and relive it again. And it's nice, it's a nice thing to look at.
Reid: And then, I was listening to ... Were you guys able to share that a lot with people? I think I remember your guys' video gaining a lot of views. Did you enjoy being able to share it with family and friends and things like that?
Marcy: Yeah, especially any family or friends that were not able to be there. When they watched the video they were able to feel like they were a part of our special day. So that was important to us too, being able to just share it easily with the link and then have people from far away watch it, and be a part of it too from far away.
Mark: Most of those views were probably from her, but we were able to also make some copies for our grandparents who aren't really technically savvy. So having them be able to get a copy of it as well and see it again was great for them.
Reid: Perfect. You guys did so good, thank you. That's it.”

“Their Voice, Our Video” - Cristina and Jason
Cristina and Jason's story -
"Reid: I just have like three or four quick questions. What was your guys' process like for hiring a wedding videographer? What was your thoughts behind it?
Cristina: Oh, I liked it. Answer that one, honey.
Jason: I didn't want one. No. But I'm glad we got one. I didn't want one.
Cristina: No.
Jason: But I'm glad we did.
Cristina: I'm the one who wanted it, and I was telling him that I wanted a videographer. And he's like, "No. It's not worth it," and whatnot. And all of a sudden I was like, "Okay." And I went on this search, and I looked at everybody else's ... had about five people that I was looking at all their videos and whatnot. Yours was the one who stood out that was different. Each video was different from one another, and that's what I liked. I liked how it was different and not the same. You brought how the person was, or the couple was, into the video, versus just a segmented thing that I saw on everybody's else's.
Jason: No, I liked it. I thought it was cool. I'm glad we got it. I'll tell you that.
Reid: So what was it like when you guys got to see the video? I mean I know it was pretty recent, but what was it like?
Cristina: Oh, gosh.
Jason: It was emotional.
Cristina: Yeah. I was crying. I cry every time I see it. There was things that I didn't know that was happening, which was another reason why I wanted to get it so that I could see what happened everywhere else because it's such a ... the day just goes by fast. So seeing that video, I was crying like a baby. I loved it.
Reid: And what about you, sir?
Jason: Yeah. It was good because you're getting pulled constantly from everywhere, and then it's cool that you guys captured the stuff that we couldn't see. I liked it. I thought it was cool. I loved it.
Reid: Let's wait for that. It sounds like a plane's going overhead. I think your guys' is always a good representation of ... I think photos are really important, and I think you can see emotion in photos, but I think that seeing your guys' emotion in the video and being able to hear and stuff ... I mean do you feel that? Is that an accurate statement? Or what do you say to that?
Jason: Oh, yeah. That's very accurate. Like when we redid the vows and you put that in the video and stuff, that was really cool how you tied other pictures into us doing the vows was actually pretty cool.
Cristina: That was one of my favorites. I liked how you captured the slide. That was awesome. That was really cool. I was like, "Oh!" And then the little moments of the running down the driveway, and then what I did. It just brings back the memories of how that whole thing came about.
Reid: And then what's it been like just being able to share it with family and friends and whatnot?
Cristina: Say that again?
Jason: What was it like sharing it with family and friends?
Cristina: Oh gosh. I called up a few of my girlfriends after I sent it out, and one of them answered and she had just tears running down her face, saying that it was absolutely beautiful. Like you did an amazing job at capturing everything. I called up my ordain, who was our ordain, and she was at work, and she was like, "I just got done bawling my eyes out. And I'm at work, so I had to take a couple minutes and regroup." And I was like, "Yeah." She loved it. So far, everybody who's seen it, it is phenomenal. And that's all they could say. And they were just amazed by how quick you got it back to us and just made it look effortless.
Reid: Awesome. Thank you for that. I appreciate that. What would you say, last question, and if you could both answer, to anybody that's on the fence about videography or doesn't think that it's ... and especially I would like for both to say.
Jason: You need to do it. It's worth it because it's like you said, the picture's kind of a more still thing, but you get the actual raw emotion of the whole entire thing. So, yeah. You need to do it. Because, like I said, I didn't want to do it, but you should do it. It's worth it.
Cristina: I agree. Everything that he said. I would do it anyways because then you get to see everything that you don't get to see when you're doing the wedding.
Reid: What's your big, last, hard sell if you had to tell somebody?
Cristina: Oh, gosh. The day goes by so fast that you miss the little things.
Jason: Or what people say and stuff like that in the little clips that you have. Because you can't hear what everybody's saying, but some of them, it's really funny of what actually really goes on, especially when you're not around. So it's totally cool because you can hear what people are saying and stuff like that, so that's pretty cool.
Cristina: He's loving the one that you got of us at the house with our daughter. That's his favorite one. So it's the little things that you miss out, like in our video, it was the kids playing on the swing set, and going down the slide, or people standing there on the fence, with the cows and interacting with them, or all the kiddos on the bouncy house. I didn't get to see any of that, and that brought more tears to my eyes because it was so beautiful just to see that everybody was having fun. And it's the little things that make the big difference in the whole videography. So, I love it. I'm excited that we did it.
Reid: Perfect. There you go. I appreciate it. Hopefully, that was quick and painless.
Cristina: It is.
Jason: It really is.
Cristina: I was waiting for him to say something because he's the one that was so anti-videography.
Jason: I did say something.
Cristina: No. That's why I wanted you to.
Reid: And it's good. I mean most of them it is that way where it's one or the other, and then it was one way or the other convincing. So I think that that is really relatable to a lot of people, so that's good because it is most ... even our friends, the one didn't want it. So it's good to have. And I really appreciate it. Yeah, you should get the DVDs. I mailed them yesterday. So you should get them, and let me know if you need anything else from me. I really appreciate it.
Cristina: You fucking rocked it.
Reid: Awesome. Good.
Cristina: You rocked it. Thank you. Thank you. Like, it is absolutely amazing.
Reid: I mean, even just where it starts out every time with the officiant talking and it's like ... it's just really emotional. I get emotional thinking about it.
Cristina: I know. I was getting teary eyed. I was like ...
Reid: But I sit and watch it all day. And so my wife will come him and I'll just be a wreck because I sit with it in front of me for six, eight hours. So it's cool, but I mean it was a really cool experience, so I really appreciate it.
Cristina: Did you have fun?
Reid: Oh, it was a blast. No, it was a blast. And I sent it to Jeff, and he loved it. And so we're excited.
Cristina: Tell him thank you, too.
Reid: I'm so glad. Yeah. And I'm so glad that he got that extra time with the house before I got there to get the cows and the orchard and all that kind of stuff. It's worth it, even for us to do all that, it was all worth it. So I was really happy with it.
Cristina: It really was. Cammy, that's her house. I go, "You should see how they did the cows, and they put your dog and the rooster." And it was absolutely amazing.
Reid: Yeah. And the bouncy house. And I was like, "You need to get the bouncy house going up." You know because a lot of videos start with a piano or whatever, but that was like real life for that wedding. And that's what it was. It was like a big backyard, still beautiful, still we got great portraits and stuff and all that. But, I mean, it was. And so it's like it needs to be really authentic to what that is, and I felt like it was really ... I thought Jeff did a really good job getting all that stuff. I thought it was really authentic.
Cristina: He did. The opening to it was actually amazing.
Reid: It's great. And that was all him.
Cristina: Everything just came to and it just flowed. And I'm like, "Oh my gosh. This is awesome." I think I've watched that video like, oh, umpteen million times by now.
Reid: It's perfect. I love it. So it's good.
Cristina: It's so awesome.
Reid: Yeah.
Cristina: So, again, Reid, thank you, thank you, thank you. You did absolutely amazing.
Reid: Well, like I said, if you ever need anything from me, let me know. Like I said, with the footage and the DVDs and stuff, just don't hesitate. I'm really easy to get ahold of, so.
Cristina: Okay. Sounds good.
Reid: Awesome. You guys have a good night. Thank you so much.
Cristina: Thank you.
Jason: Thank you.
Reid: Bye.
Cristina: Bye."

"Their Voice, Our Video" - Jacquie and Derek
Jacquie and Derek's story -
"Reid: First off just thoughts going into the wedding day in terms of videography. Is that something you guys thought you wanted or how did that thought process come about?
Derek: Originally I was against it.
Jacquelyn: Yeah.
Derek: Not necessarily against it, but I just thought it was an unnecessary expense. When you're budgeting a wedding there's a lot of stuff that you have to turn down. But for Jacquelyn it became important and then I heard through other people that they really wished that they had videos of their wedding.
Jacquelyn: Yeah, I knew for sure that we had to have a videographer and that we'd make room in the budget. Definitely because I wanted to have memories of my loved one's being there. Everybody told me that it's going to fly by. The day is going to fly by and you have to soak in every moment. And honestly, I can't remember everything there. It all went by so fast. And to have the opportunity for you to make the video, and then even for us to get that extra footage, is amazing. There's things that it helps me recall what happened and I have it permanently. I think the really cool thing is actually today I started a new job and so the girls already knew. One of the coworkers was getting married and they were talking about my wedding and a couple of the girls were like oh, yeah. And I'm like here and so I sent them the link of our wedding video and they just loved it. They got to see, they got to be a part of it and they weren't even there, which is really cool. I really wanted it.
Derek: Yeah in hindsight I probably should have placed more importance on it than I did.
Jacquelyn: I had to push for it but we got it.
Derek: She shouldn't have had to push very hard because it's a no brainer thinking back.
Jacquelyn: Yeah.
Reid: That's kind of exactly the reason because generally when we do this it's one of, if not both, of the people didn't want to have it. And then for whatever reason they came along to it. I just think that's such an important story just to hammer home. That's all I do is talk to clients about that.
Jacquelyn: I think the funny thing, what sold Derek was that there was an older gentleman that heard that he got engaged and he told them that he has to have a videographer. And he's like oh my fiance's telling me that. Yeah, it was actually an older man.
Derek: Well the guy told me, we hadn't even talked about my resisting the video or anything like that or really anything. He's like there's two rules for a wedding, you have to have a videographer and you don't smash the cake in her face, that's the two things you don't do.
Jacquelyn: Yeah.
Reid: Well that's good, that's a good lesson so I appreciate that. That's funny. You guys were joking, you just talked specifically about day of. How did that whole process go?
Jacquelyn: Gosh, everything was just so easygoing. I feel really fortunate because we have Megan, who's awesome. And she kind of talked with Joe more than we had to, but I just felt super comfortable with him. Because he was with me in the bridal suite getting ready and everything just went so smooth. It was effortless honestly.
Derek: Everything went really well, that was the other resistance that I had to videographers. Originally my brother got married the year before us and they had a videographer that wanted us to choreograph a bunch of shots and stuff and do all sorts of stuff. And Joe and I forget is it Matt that was the other guy?
Reid: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Derek: Right. Matt was in our room and he didn't have us really choreograph anything. It was like well you got any ideas and just kind of rolled with it and it went really well.
Reid: And then when you guys got the video what was that initial being able to watch it reaction? What did you guys think?
Jacquelyn: Oh my god, I cried.
Derek: We didn't watch it together initially because you sent the video and then she sent it to me.
Jacquelyn: Oh, yeah.
Derek: I was on the road in Eastern Washington or something like that and I checked it out. I watched it like three or four times, it was a really good highlight video.
Jacquelyn: It makes me want to cry thinking about it. Literally, I'm probably going to cry. It was awesome. It was so cool to see it. It just highlighted the joy and the love that we have for each other. And to see everybody so happy during it, it was badass. It was so great. And to have the family pictures in it as well it brings it to life.
Derek: Right. During the wedding, you know this because you're married, during wedding day you don't really get to visit with everybody. You're getting pulled in 1,000 different directions to do 1,000 different things, and the wedding planner wants you doing certain things. Looking back at the video and actually getting to see everybody that was there and seeing that everybody was having a good time and seeing ...
Jacquelyn: Yeah, and to see what Derek was doing. It's awesome.
Derek: It was really cool, yeah.
Reid: Yeah, I loved your video. You guys had picked your music and whatever and I can't even remember the name of it but the song that's at the beginning of your video is absolutely my all-time favorite song on that site. And I've only used it one other time, and it's one of my most favorites. I just really loved it. When I was oh what music did they pick, I was like oh yes because I didn't even know the name of it and I plugged it in and I was like this is literally my favorite song. I just knew, I really liked it. I thought Matt did a really good job with all the little details, like going in the man cave and setting it up. I just really was happy with how it turned out. What is specifically a favorite memory from the video, do you guys have one?
Jacquelyn: Gosh, for me it was really nice, I didn't get to see people walk down the aisle. One of my favorite is actually watching the ring bearer kind of like walk past the aisle and turn around and sprint down.
Derek: Yeah, he like bee lined it so that was funny. I think my favorite part of the video was you paused at the beginning, you paused the music at the beginning because one of my groomsman said what if she doesn't even beeping show up, or whatever.
Jacquelyn: Yeah.
Derek: I thought it was hilarious, it was so funny.
Reid: I'm really glad. I told you it could be a line, but I was like it's so funny I had to at least send it because I really ...
Jacquelyn: I think that's what's perfect about it too is it was fun, the video. It wasn't all about, it added a lot of character to it. My favorite part though is when we're at the altar and we're saying our vows and I can see how excited I am on my face, the anticipation and the joy. It literally just flashes so quickly and to look back and be able to see it and I don't know, it's unbelievable to have video of the most important thing in my life. I just looked really happy, more happy than I thought I'd look.
Reid: I thought you guys looked really happy, I would definitely agree with that. You hope that people enjoy it. I thought you guys looked really happy. Ultimately, last question is if people are on the fence or they're like Derek out here that doesn't want to get a video. What do you say to that?
Derek: I say go for it especially with how you have it laid out. Another one of the things that kind of had me resisting it is that when you start looking at videographers specifically, there's so many different packages you can choose from and there's so many different upgrades that you can, and so many different things. The pricing, you never really get a straight price on some of the stuff that you're looking at. And the way that you had it laid out, it's like no this is just my price. It was so reasonable so why wouldn't we do that? For me the way that it turned out in hindsight it's obviously a no brainer.
Jacquelyn: What I would recommend is honestly if somebody's looking at their budget and they're like I don't know if we can make it work, honestly lower your entrees and your food choice for the caterer. I swear it's worth it. Feeding somebody versus having this for the rest of your life, they'll have a great time. The food's really not that important, so put that cost towards a videographer. For sure, absolutely no doubt about it.
Derek: Yeah, you should be able to make room in the budget ...
Jacquelyn: Don't take it away from the alcohol, but take it away from the food.
Reid: That's perfect. Well that's it guys, that's all I got.
Jacquelyn: Real quick my twin brother and his brother didn't get a videographer. And that's the number one thing they regret. Anybody I talk to, any bride that doesn't have a videographer, that's what they regret most is that they didn't have someone there to document it. Pictures are great, but a videographer is a whole different game.
Reid: Yeah. I think especially with the vows, there's a lot that goes into it. Even our wedding Saturday I'm just editing it right now and they've got six minutes of these amazing vows and they went to high school together and all this stuff. You're like man you have all these great photos of that and that's awesome to see the ceremony and stuff, but if he's crying and you see the photo it's like what's he crying about? You don't know, but if you see it then you see it, and then you know it gives you context to everything. Anyway, I do what I do. I don't need to tell you guys anymore.
Jacquelyn: One thing I wanted to book this sooner than later. I think we waited a little long to book you.
Derek: We were really luck to be able to get Joe and Matt for that day, really.
Reid: Thank you guys so much and for taking the time tonight. I really appreciate it.
Jacquelyn: Thank you so much. "

"Their Voice, Our Video" - Lauren and Ronnie
Lauren and Ronnie’s story -
“Reid: Cool. Well I won't hold up too much of much of your time. Talk about, if you guys could both, why have a video? What was the thoughts going in and having a wedding video?
Lauren: For me that was one of the biggest things I wanted. I talked to my mom, because my parents paid for the wedding. I was like, "Mom, my biggest thing I really, really want is a video. Because this day is going to go by way quicker than we think it will and I want to remember everything. I want a video of ... I want to see how he looked when he saw me for the first time. Every day, every year, I want to be able to see that." That was really, really important to me.
Ronnie: It never really crossed my mind to have a videographer. I just didn't think about it, didn't think that we would need one. But at the end of the day, I'm glad that we decided to get one.
Reid: Did she have to kind of twist your arm or what was that like?
Ronnie: A little bit. I mean it definitely wasn't top of the list of everything else going on at the time. But she finally convinced me to do it and I wouldn't have had it any other way. It was great.
Reid: Talk about when you guys saw the video. What was that kind of like to watch it for the first time and that experience.
Lauren: Oh my God, I cried.
Ronnie: Yeah.
Lauren: I cried. I was pregnant so I cried harder. It was amazing and it awesome to see his reaction. What I wanted, I got. To see the confetti come down during our first kiss and all of that was just totally amazing. I woke up the next morning after our wedding and I was like, "That was way ..." It's almost like you do so much work and it just goes by so quickly you don't even get to appreciate it. When we got to see the video, I got to take the time and appreciate everything that happened that day. That was awesome.
Reid: Ronnie, what did you think?
Ronnie: With what she said. I mean it was a great, great video. Couldn't have done it any better. I was really, really impressed with the amount of detail that went into everything in the video. It was a great video and I'm glad that we have it to share with everybody.
Reid: Talk about specific moment or something and then I'll show it. But like your favorite moment or highlight of the video.
Ronnie: Probably the first look was probably my favorite moment. Definitely the first look.
Lauren: Yeah, that was amazing. I love the first look too, but I just like the confetti during our first kiss and everybody looking. Us having our first kiss and that whole moment, that was awesome for me. Those were mine.
Reid: Talk about now, obviously you have the little one and being able to have the video to share with her when she ... Talk about that and the longevity of having the video to share.
Lauren: So I was literally half way through my pregnancy when we got married. I was 21 weeks pregnant. I was so excited that I would be able to tell her, "You were kind of there." Now we'll get to show her and she'll get to see, no matter what. Cause parenthood creates a huge change in your life and no matter what she can see how much her mom and dad love each other. How that kind of all started and how she was there for that.
Reid: Talk about if people were maybe on the fence about not having a videographer, what would you tell them if they were on the fence?
Ronnie: I would push and push and push for a videographer if anybody's having any doubts about it. Go out on a limb and do it and you will not be upset later in life. It is great that we have a video to share with everybody.
Lauren: I've already shown it to her. I showed her the highlights video. I mean she's too little to really appreciate it but it was a huge moment for me. Yeah, when in this world it's all about the things for parents. It was so fun and amazing for me to see and to show her the video. It was so important. It was definitely worth it.
Reid: So what would then be your kind of final sales pitch for someone if they weren't sure about it?
Ronnie: I would tell him to trust your gut on getting a videographer. It is definitely going to be one of the best ways to save your memory and share every year. And if you don't do it I think you'll probably regret it later on.
Lauren: For me I'd say that day is going to pass you by so quick. It's going to be over before you know it and you're going to really regret not taking a moment to just enjoy it. And that a video gives you that moment. It gives you that moment to relive the first look walking down the aisle, your vows and all of that. The video gives you that moment.
Reid: All right thanks so much!!”

"Their Voice, Our Video" - Kaleena and Tim
Kaleena and Tim's story -
"Reid: Awesome, so just start now in terms of like wedding videography, what sparked that decision to look into that, or is that something that you guys wanted for your wedding day?
Kaleena: I asked everyone who I knew, who had recently gotten married, what's the one thing you wish you could've done for your wedding? What's the one thing you could've done to make your wedding better, you regretted not having? And almost every single person I talked to said, "I wish I had a videographer," because you plan for so long, for this one special day and just like that, it's over with. I just goes by in a blur, and they really wish they had a moment to really capture their wedding, so you can go back and relive it and look at all those happy times, even some things they missed. And so, that's the one thing I knew I wanted.
I didn't want a videographer. I thought, it's expensive. It'll be out of my budget, but after talking to all these people who, that's the one thing they regret. I didn't want that regret, so I took the step to get a videographer.
Reid: And Tim, was that something that you had thought about or did you just kind of go along with what she had wanted or-?
Tim: Yeah, so originally I didn't even think of having a videographer at all, like the thought never even crossed my mind, but then when she brought it up to me, I was intrigued as to like what an actual videographer does. So, when she went on the website and she looked you up, and then she just showed me all the videos, I was, "Oh wow, that's actually super, super cool. We could get down with that." Then, after that, I was all kinds of down.
Reid: Well, good. Then when you guys got the video, what were your thoughts when you watched the video for the first time?
Kaleena: I probably started crying the first five seconds into it, when I heard the music, and then I saw the beautiful opening aerial shot, like, of course, the tears started coming. Just the way it was put together, it ran so smoothly, like you had the beautiful parts where you heard vows, and then it kind of shifted over to the more funnier parts of the guys doing their poses.
Everything was just so seamlessly put together, and the quality was beautiful. And I could tell you really, really took the time and effort to find those really perfect shots to put in the, like the smaller times video. You had everything on video, like there's some parts I watched that was just hilarious. I'm like, "Oh, my gosh. My family." But it was amazing. You couldn't ask for anything better.
Reid: And Tim, when you watched it, what did you think?
Tim: So, I feel the same way. I feel like you encapsulated the overall vibe of the wedding really well. Like, you got the serious part of the vows and the taking of the pictures and all of that. Then you've got, you know, us letting loose and having fun and just being ourselves.
And yeah, I was really impressed by the production, too. It was really smooth. The music, honestly, I never even heard any of those songs that you showed us, but we listened to a few and I was like, "Those are good ones." Then, when we heard them on the video, they worked really well. Yeah, it was great. It was a cool video. I watch it all the time.
Kaleena: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Reid: Then, what's your favorite part of the video, just like specific moment, so we can kind of show that?
Kaleena: Oh, that's really hard. We just watched it yesterday.
Tim: Yeah.
Kaleena: I think my favorite part would have to be his vows. That was my all-time favorite part, were his vows. Yeah. That, spaghetti.
Tim: I would have to say, my favorite part would be, the part when me and her are sitting down. Or no, right after the ceremony, when we're hugging everybody and greeting after we became an official married couple, and then we were sitting down, writing down the marriage certificate. That part was one of my favorites, because it was just like, at that moment it became real in the government's eyes and all that, which you know, was cool. But it came even more real in my eyes, too.
Reid: And then, finally, if you have someone who is on the fence about videography, what would you say to them? You know, like a friend or a family, or-?
Kaleena: Do it. Just do it. Do your research, really look at videographers in the area. Make sure that you have examples of their videos. Reach out to people. Just get a videographer. It's not something you're going to regret. It was probably one of the best decisions I made for my wedding was to get you guys to film it. I'm so, so thankful I did. Like, I'll really treasure it from this day forward.
Tim: I would say the same thing. Get one. It's worth it. I was unaware that they even existed, but now that I am aware, they're a great tool to use to capture those kinds of moments that, you know, they got the ability to or if they can even recognize those moments. Yeah, they are a really good tool to be able to relive that day. I would totally recommend one.
Kaleena: Yeah.
Reid: Anything else that I didn't ask or any, I don't know, anything else you want to say? But that was great.
Kaleena: Yeah, no, that was ... if you were gonna ask to give advice to one of your friends to get a videographer, I would have thrown it in there, but you already asked that question, so we're good.
Reid: Well, cool. I appreciate it, it really means a lot. I really appreciate it for that, because, you know, I know this isn't the easiest thing to do, so I appreciate it.
Tim: Oh, yeah, no problem.
Kaleena: Well, we appreciate you and all the hard work you did. It was, yeah, it was stunning.
Tim: Oh yeah, for sure.
Kaleena: Yeah, 'cause many people watch it at least 12 times.
Reid: Awesome. Well, thank you so much, and let me know. I'll send you a link here. I'll work on it this week, and then I'll let you know. So, thank you guys so much. I appreciate it.
Kaleena: Thanks. Have a good day.
Reid: Thank you, too. Bye.
Tim: Bye."

“Their Voice, Our Video” - Elizabeth and Bronson
Elizabeth and Bronson's story -
"Reid: What led to your decision to hire a wedding videographer?
Elizabeth: I had to convince him, but I actually saw one of my friends, she had a wedding video that she posted on Facebook, and I fell in love with it. I said, I want to do that, because it's more than just a photo, because you can hear voice. You can actually see-
Bronson: I wasn't convinced at first until I watched them. Watched the videos and then it's ... different than slideshow or just photos, video actually makes like, you can see people laughing. See people emotion's emotions, not just a still photo of somebody if that makes sense.
Reid: And then what was your reaction when you guys saw your wedding video for the first time?
Bronson: ...shock.
Elizabeth: Yeah, I just kept watching. I'm like, "Is it over yet? Can I keep going and going?"
Bronson: It's weird watching it happen, because you're so caught up int he moment sometimes, like, during the wedding, you forget things that are happening, you have so many emotions and you're excited and happy and then you go back and watch it, you're like, it's kind of surreal, watch it happen again.
Reid: And what about you, Elizabeth?
Elizabeth: Well, I'm not a very emotional person, but I loved it, and ... I didn't cry.
Bronson: You cried.
Elizabeth: Did I cry?
Bronson: Yeah, you cried the first couple times.
Elizabeth: Okay, maybe I cried one time. I do watch it often and I love ... I don't know, I love seeing everything I didn't get to see, if that makes sense. Like, from other people's views, rather than just myself.
Reid: What's your favorite part of the video?
Elizabeth: Oh, man. I liked him getting in the car. That was hilarious. When he was blindfolded? That was super funny. Because I didn't get to see that, because I was behind the door, so it was funny for me to see what he was going through when I wasn't there.
Bronson: Dancing was also pretty fun to watch. You and your dad, dance.
Elizabeth: Oh yeah, me and my dad dancing. Yeah, that was good.
Bronson: There's a lot of good stuff.
Elizabeth: I should have watched it to refresh my memory.
Bronson: You've been so busy. We're up in Seattle, so we were pretty hectic this past weekend.
Reid: That's okay. What was, I guess, your family or friends, what was their reaction to your video?
Elizabeth: Oh my gosh, we had a ... everybody could not stop posting it. Everybody said they cried, pretty much. We probably had like, 200 comments on it.
Bronson: I had a few people go, "Who'd did you hire? Somebody from Hollywood?"
Elizabeth: I had people asking me who are going to get married, like, "Hey, I love your wedding videographer, how much is it?" Trying to get information because they loved the video so much. And a lot of people said how much they cried.
Reid: What was it like actually working with the videography on the day of? Talk about, like, was that easy, or what was that like?
Elizabeth: I kind of enjoyed you guys being around. You didn't interrupt at all, but it was just kind of nice to have somebody ... for me, it kind of eased my stress level? You guys are so calm and you're like, "Just walk here, it's going to be okay." It was nice to have someone with me and telling me, it's going to be okay, just do your thing and it's okay.
Bronson: I enjoyed it.
Elizabeth: I enjoyed having you in the car ride for an hour and a half with the thunder and lightning and hail. That was fun.
Bronson: Yeah. There was no bad transitions. It always segued. I almost forgot you were even there sometimes.
Elizabeth: Besides enjoying you being there, I didn't notice that you were there, if that makes sense. And some photographers, how it's really awkward, like, "Put your head this way," or "Do this." It flowed really nicely.
Yeah, especially the way you worked with Jessica, too. She's taking pictures and you're doing the video at the same time and we didn't have to do anything five times in a row. I thought it was good.
Bronson: It was really good. I enjoyed it.
Reid: And then finally, if there were couples that were thinking about not having a videographer for their wedding day, if both of you guys could kind of, what would be your thoughts or ... how you would kind of, not convince people, but what would your thoughts be?
Bronson: I would say I'd be the biggest skeptic on the romantic videos and stuff like that. I was like, "Oh, we don't need one." But then, going back and looking at them? They capture so much more than any photo could and it really captures a lot of the wedding that you don't really, in a sense, get to see at the time because you're so caught up in the moment of other things going on.
Elizabeth: Or, it's really nice, I've watched it a few times since, we both are so busy, I've watched it a few times, but, try to make a point, like, okay. Six months, let's plug it in. A year, let's plug it in. Year two, let's plug it in. So it's kind of something that you can look forward to reliving, basically, your emotions that are going on while you're watching it, kind of like as an anniversary. That's kind of cool too.
Reid: Overall decisions on making, getting the wedding video? Positive? What would be kind of your in conclusion?
Elizabeth: Oh, best decision ever. I'm so glad we decided to hire you and having a wedding video. I love it.
Bronson: Yeah. I agree with that.
Elizabeth: I would have never changed anything else. That was the number one thing on my list. I'm glad that we hired a wedding videographer.
Bronson: Yeah, I agree.
Reid: Can you talk about just the retainer scene in the video? Did you think that was funny or talk about that?
Elizabeth: Oh yeah, the retainer. When I was opening gifts?
Reid: Yeah.
Elizabeth: Yeah, it was hilarious. And it was so funny, because I even told Jessica, "Please make sure I take out my retainer, because I just got my braces off," and I was wearing it 24/7, and I knew it was gonna happen, and I got so caught up with everything going on and I'll be darned, taking photos with my retainer in. With a lisp, too.
Doesn't happen as often now, but I still catch myself, carrying it around. "Oh, let me take that out real quick."
Bronson: I thought it was good. I thought it kept it light, in a sense. Because you get so emotional and stuff, but it kind of brought the mood back up, like when you-
Elizabeth: Yeah, like you getting in the car with the blindfold. That was good.
Bronson: Banging my head.
Reid: What were your overall thoughts on hiring a wedding videographer?
Elizabeth: Oh, it was the best decision ever. It was my number one, you know, thing on my checklist, to hire a wedding videographer. And I'm so glad I decided to hire you, because the wedding video is amazing and it didn't take too long to get my video back.
When you're waiting for it, you're like, "Please, I want to see pictures!" And boom, it was right there, so it was great.
Reid: Perfect.
Elizabeth: It's nice to keep in contact, not really in contact, with you ... I don't know, it's nice. I've never hired somebody and you know, followed through with all this ratings and ... it's kind of cool. We put a lot of work into our wedding and we're proud of it.
Elizabeth: It's a great video.
Bronson: And that was completely ...
Elizabeth: We let you do whatever you want.
Bronson: I think that was the best decision, because we would probably screw it up if we tried to do it.
Elizabeth: I think that's probably the best advice, is let you do your thing. I'm like, you pick the music. You do this. You do whatever you want to do. And it was perfect. And then, that leaves some-
Bronson: Full reins over the editing, because we probably would have picked.
Elizabeth: Put that in there. Let you do your work.
Bronson: If other people are listening, you want that video? You have to let Reid do his thing.
Elizabeth: Yeah, for sure.
Reid: Well, thank you guys, I know you're so busy. I really appreciate it. And it means a lot, so thank you guys. I'll send it over.
Bronson: Thank you for all you did for us.
Elizabeth: Okay.
Reid: Awesome. Enjoy your day.
Elizabeth: You too!
Reid: Alright, bye."

“Their Voice, Our Video” - Ina and Ron
Ina and Ron's story -
"Reid: Cool! Thank you, guys. Basically, we just have a couple quick questions, just about wedding videography. If you guys could both start just what inspired you to hire a wedding videographer in the first place. I guess, what brought that decision about?
Ina: Okay. Is there gonna be a, "Three, two, one, action"?
Reid: We're recording, so whenever you're ready, you are good.
Ina: Okay. So, I guess what inspired us to get a videographer was ... At first, we didn't want to. We were gonna focus on photos, and then the more I started thinking about the whole moment and everything, and our age difference, I thought I wanted to be able to have something to look back on when we're not together anymore. So, I started doing some research and found out some good information and that was it for me. I just wanted something to capture the memory so that I could hear and see him. Hear his voice and hear everybody's voice.
Ron: It's interesting because she ... You know, usually when we make any of these decisions, we actually talk together and we make these decisions together. And so after she had done her research and talked to a couple of her friends, she came to me and she said, "I'm gonna get a videographer and I'm putting my foot down on this one because I think it's really important that we have one." And at the time I wasn't sold like she was because I had not done the research or had any conversations with anybody. I was looking at one thing, that was looking at the price tag on the sign over there, you know what I mean? That's what I was looking at. And so it's not often that she says, "I'm putting my foot down 'cause I really do want this." And she said that and I said, "Okay, then let's go talk to some people, then." That's how we got there.
Reid: What was your reaction when you guys got your wedding video and were able to see it for the first time?
Ina: I cried. I cried at ... I think the first thing that struck me was the very beginning and the song, and just how it led into our video. You know, our name pops across the screen and it was beautiful. And I cried and I just thought to myself, "I'm so glad that we did this. I just can't imagine not having it." And I was so happy.
Ron: Yeah, it actually brings a certain immersion, when you just asked me that question because it was breathtaking. I can't even describe what it actually brought out, just watching us, both of us, because there's things that were happening with her that I would've never got to experience had it not been for that video, and I've watched it over and over and over again. It's almost like every time I watch it is like the first time seeing it and again, especially in the beginning-
Ina: Yeah.
Ron: ... when there was things that I didn't see. I didn't see what was going on in her room and all the stuff that was going on. I did not see all the stuff she was ... all the preparation. For us to be right out there in front of that hotel when we actually saw each other for the first time. I didn't see anything leading up to that on her side. This brings a whole different meaning to the whole thing.
Reid: What is ... besides the opening part, what's your guy's favorite section or part in the video, or what was it then that you liked the most, I guess?
Ina: You know, the thing that I liked the most was when I was ... when we watched it for the whole length of it and everybody that you spoke to that we had no idea that you spoke to, and I think out of everything, my favorite part was my brother-in-law and sister-in-law at the very end. They all mean a great deal to me, every single one of them and everybody at our wedding, but to just see those two, because they are such a big part of our lives, and Jeannie and Melvin closing it up at the end ... yeah, that was very sweet and that was ... out of all of that ...
Ron: Yeah, I think I kind of agree with that, but I think I want to answer your question in a different way, Reid, because for me, people say when you actually go through the wedding, you're just there and you just don't realize everything that's going on around you, or even some of the things that you're doing or saying as ... even if you're saying them. You just don't ... you're just not really have a vivid memory of that. And so that video allowed me to fill in all those gaps and to go back and make all those things real, all of them, including that last clip.
So, I'm not so sure I have a favorite part. I mean, I think there's some things that I actually gloss over, like my brother ... well, you took the part out of there for him, but ... but, you know, just some people talking are funnier than others and so I probably go back and watch them more than some of the other ones, but just making that whole thing real. You know, when she put her foot down and said, "This is what I want" and we did it, I just can't even imagine us not having that. I mean, how sad would that be if we didn't have that?
Reid: Perfect, and then last question: If somebody was maybe on the fence about videography ... hiring a videographer ... what would you say to them, or what would be your thoughts on that matter for the wedding?
Ina: I would say they would need to do it and they would regret it if they didn't. You know, interesting on how I found you because when I was doing my research, I listened to the blog and I didn't even see your portfolio or anything; I heard your voice and how you were talking, and how passionate you were about videographing and the weddings and just capturing moments, that I thought, "This is our guy." So, I would just tell people, I think, to really sit back and think about it and go with your heart because what I didn't know was you did pictures as well. You know, I thought it was just gonna be the video and we have pictures from you too, and so, you know, I guess people can think about that. Because they don't know. And so they just cannot not have a videographer. You have to do it. You have to. Just to be able to go back and look.
Ron: Yeah. You know, and I don't know how everybody else does it. I know that we sat down and we said, "Okay, let's put all the things down that we want in our wedding and ... you know, and try to come up with how much all that costs so we can have some kind of thing going in about how much money we're gonna spend." And we actually tried to prioritize those. You know? You've gotta have food, so that's gotta be somewhere at the top of there. But no, you've gotta have a cake. That's got to be up there. You've gotta have champagne. Stuff like that are the things that you have to have, and then you start getting into those other things about flowers and such.
I think when it comes to a video, I think, you know, after you buy a wedding dress and after you deal with the food ... 'cause people have to eat 'cause they're gonna be there ... and what they're gonna drink. I think the video has to come next. It has to because it's just that important. There is no way to recapture the moment of what you're going through without the video. Pictures are one thing. The video is something completely different. I would give anybody any advice that you cannot have a wedding without having a video of that wedding. And it doesn't matter what that means you can't do without. I mean, you've gotta make it ... have to make it work where the video's in there and everything else comes after that. Did you have one at your wedding? Did you have a video?
Reid: Perfect. Thank you guys. That was so good.
Ina: Okay.
Reid: Perfect. Thank you guys so much. I really appreciate it and I really do love your guy's video. I mean, that's why ... I mean, the people that I reached out to were the really special ones and obviously people I knew would be a good testimonial, but then the videos and the days that were really special, and I think your guy's was obviously one of a kind. So, thank you guys for letting me do that. It's been really fun to come back and do all this stuff and talk to people about it and hear stuff that I didn't know and stories and stuff, so it's really nice.
Ina: Yeah. Well, thank you, Reid.
Ron: Thanks, Reid. Talk to you later.
Ina: Bye, Reid.
Reid: Thank you. Bye."

“Their Voice, Our Video” - Brooke and Dominick
Brooke and Dominick's story -
"Reid: Okay, Go for it.
Brooke: Well we weren't originally planning on having a videographer, it was just something that just seemed so far out of reach ...
Dominick: We actually talked about it, and decided not to include it in the budget at all.
Brooke: Mm-hmm (affirmative)-
But it was ... after talking with Reid, and I literally went through and watched every single video on his website, and then after that, I knew. I had to-
Dominick: She was like I have to have a wedding video and it has to be Reid.
Brooke: I did. I went and I said, "I have to have it."
Like it just ... and we knew people who didn't have videography at all, and they didn't regret that, like that was a choice that they made, and they didn't regret that at all.
And so, that was kind of the mindset we were in, but then it's like, "Well, what if we do though? What if we do regret not having it?" And I just didn't want to have any regrets about our wedding day. I just wanted to have the most ... just to have all of that captured, and-
Dominick: It just gets a lot more of the emotion and the feel of the day.
Brooke: Yeah. And we got some amazing compliments on it. I mean, perfect strangers were sharing the video saying, "This is what a wedding is supposed to be."
And that ... you don't get that with either like a cellphone capturing a video of the vows, or just something set up in the back; you don't get that emotion.
But with a professional you get the story telling of it. You really get the emotion of the day, the excitement, and it's just told in a really, really beautiful and crafted way.
Reid: What was your reaction when you guys got the video?
Dominick: So, we were still on our honeymoon, and Reid contacted me and said, "Hey, look out for a link later today."
Brooke: I was super nervous to watch it. I was getting butterflies, before and when waiting for it to load and come through. I was getting butterflies to watch it.
Dominick: When we came back from doing our honeymoon that day, and came back to the hotel, and the link was ready for us. And it was ... I mean, it was really fantastic, it really brings you back to the day. I mean, it's only a couple days later, but it all seems like so long ago, because it's such a dream day.
Brooke: I don't actually remember ... there was so many points during the day that did not register with me; they went so fast. And I don't remember a whole lot. It just ... it really ... there was so many emotions going on. And so to see that, and to see also the parts where we weren't there. Like, there were things that we just didn't see.
Dominick: You're taking pictures in the evening and all this stuff is going on at the reception, and you've got ... Reid is with us while we are taking pictures, but there is someone, a second shooter, doing video of the reception while you're gone, and you get to see people dancing and having a good time and we had a great shot of her Dad dancing-
Brooke: My Dad dancing to "Play that Funky Music".
Dominick: So it was really cool to have that, to see what else was going on, while you were talking with guests. And you can see more if what your guests are doing, and that they're having a good time. And it's really cool to get the other side of the wedding, not from our perspective.
Brooke: It was. I watched it so many times, throughout the rest of the honeymoon I watched it so many times.
Reid: What was your favorite part of the video? And if you could both add a specific moment from the video, from the edited one, so I can kind of match it up then ... if that's possible.
Brooke: I think it was the vows for me. I think the vows were my favorite, because you don't get ... without video you can't see the emotion. You get the pictures, and you see the looks in your eyes and whatnot. But I think that hearing those, and being able to go back, five, ten, fifty years from now, and being able to relive that, and to actually hear them ... I mean, he choked up a little bit. And that's just a really special memory that I can't wait to relive.
Dominick: Yeah. My favorite was also the vows. I mean, her vows were so fantastic. But when you're up there, your heart is pounding and you know, I'm sitting up there shaking, trying to read my vows and you know you're barely hearing what's going on. So its really nice to be able to get that shot from in the back, and see your vows again, and hear them again, and see the two of you, you know, you're looking at each other and it's just ... everything just feels like you're there again and it's just really fantastic to watch.
Reid: Yeah, I think you had commented right after the ceremony and you said, "Wow, I couldn't even remember what he had just said." And it's like 30 seconds after the ceremony.
Dominick: Right.
Brooke: I don't. I don't recall it.
Dominick: Yeah, my heart was pounding and I don't remember the ceremony.
Brooke: I don't remember music being played, like walking down the aisle, I don't even remember the music being played, I didn't hear any of it.
Dominick: It's kind of like going back to your wedding again, because ... it's probably not just me. But, you know, I think that's how a lot of weddings go, and so it's really nice to be able to see it and experience it.
Reid: And then finally, what would you say to someone who was just really on the fence with videography?
Dominick: For me, it was absolutely worth it. I am so glad that we went with videography, because it does let you live that day again. It goes by so fast. Everyone tells you it's going to go bye so fast, and it really does.
And it's really hard to make memories of all of that. And having photographs are great, but like she said, you don't capture the emotion, you don't capture the spirit that's going on. You don't get the same laughter, and people's voices, and all that extra detail is something that makes it into the video that won't be captured in a photograph.
Brooke: I would say, if somebody is on the fence, meaning if they are even considering it: Just do it. You won't regret it.
If you are considering it, thinking about it, then you will not regret it. If you're even thinking about it, and want to make it happen.
I am so glad that we made it happen. And it is one of my most prized ... it's one of the things I most cherish about the days, the fact that we were able to have that video.
Dominick: We show the video to anyone who wants to see it ... if they ask how the wedding was. You know, I show them the video first, and then, I guess if you don't want to watch the video, here's a picture. But really the video capture's everything.
Brooke: Yeah, it's just the best way to share it, just the day in a nutshell.
Reid: Perfect! There you go! Thank you guys, I really appreciate it. "

"Their Voice, Our Video" - Elizabeth and William
Elizabeth and Williams story -
"Reid: So if you could just start out and just one at a time what was kinda your thoughts going into getting into wedding videography in the first place. Where did that thought process start?
Elizabeth: Well I think for me I debated whether if we wanted a wedding videographer, because my immediate siblings none of them got wedding videographer they were kinda new like ten years ago. So my family had never really used a wedding videographer before, but I am so glad that we decided to because we hadn't received any of our pictures yet but I feel like a video is more personal and it takes me back to the day. We were debating on whether having a wedding videographer or not because a lot of my siblings, I don't think your siblings. Used a wedding videographer but so we haven't received any of our pictures yet. And so just by looking at our video it really takes you back to the day of the wedding. Especially, for those who weren't able to come my parents sent the video out to the guest that weren't able to come. And I feel like it is more personal that just looking at photos. I watch our video almost every day.
Probably every day since we have gotten it.
Reid: William what about you?
William: I've never done videography before. I've never been associate with it obviously. I don't know anyone who has done it before, but when Elizabeth brought up the idea to have one I thought it was a really good idea. Especially, having like she said bringing back memories. You know ten years from now we can look back at that video, show our kids one day. Which will be great, but she did most of the planning I was deployed in Afghanistan obviously, she did most of the planning and she was very confident with you. What you have done in the past so whatever she says I agreed so the video turned out to be really really good yeah.
Elizabeth: We love it.
Reid: Thank you. So when you guys got your video, I guess what was your first reaction when you saw it?
Elizabeth: I cried. I cried when I first watched the video for the first time. I think that there was a lot of stuff, I feel like I kinda missed the day of too. Because, everything goes by so fast. So it was kinda nice seeing the things that we missed. I didn't get to see him get ready, and stuff like that. So I mean especially some of the photos that the guys took, like when Willing was chugging the Jack Daniels or whatever it was. Jamison, I didn't get to see a lot of that kind of stuff. And the part where the guys were taking their photos I missed a lot of that too cause I was doing my own thing and so being able to see those things that you miss the day of is really special.
Reid: And William what about you when you saw it?
William: Um, I didn't cry like I did in the wedding so. It just brought me back cause it was just such a great day. Yeah there was just a couple things I didn't see like them getting ready, and some of the festivities that the guest were doing. How their reactions were to everything and they were having so much fun that I didn't get to see because we were taking pictures or something. It seemed like everyone was having such a great time. And the video really puts that on display.
Reid: What was your guy s's favorite part about the video?
Elizabeth: My favorite part was the very last part. It was starting from where we were driving out from the golf cart when it was just like us two. I feel like with your guys touch to the video, I feel like if you threw two people, like random people that didn't know each other and you made a video of them you guys would really make them look like they were in love. I feel like that last part of the video really shows a lot of emotion that I feel like it was just really romantic and that was probably my favorite part.
William: I agree with that, the ending really sums up the whole day. That's why I liked it the most. Even the beginning was good in the video.
Elizabeth: But I also really liked... I know we were emailing prior to the wedding and we were saying how you guys really suggested to do wedding vows ourselves, but I kept telling him I don't think I will be able to get through the wedding... what was I saying?
Reid: About your vows and being able to do your vows.
Elizabeth: Oh yeah, so I kept telling William that I felt like if we were going to do the vows I don't think I would be able to get though it. Because, like seeing him cry makes me cry, so when I talk about how much I love him that would make me cry even more if I do that. Once I start crying during the ceremony I wouldn't have stopped. So obviously we didn't end up doing the wedding vows but I really liked how you guys layered the pastors, his part of the ceremony into the wedding itself. Even when I was doing my part of the vows, you guys had footage of me taking pictures of the bridesmaids and then when he was doing his vows you guys had shots of him taking pictures with groomsmen and so I really liked that. It was from what I have seen some of your guys videos lot of other brides and grooms do their own vows but I like how ours is a little different. It showed our Pastor talking, we really enjoyed his part of the ceremony a lot.
Reid: I like it just from putting it together, I felt like that got a lot of your guys personality out. I mean that is always the only reason I tell people to do some sort of speaking and I don't care what it is, to infuse your personality and who you guys are. And I though that you guys trying to get through your vows spoke so much about you guys and your relationship. I thought it was really perfect and that was why I put all that in there, cause that is you guys. You were so overcome with emotion but it is really great I thought.
Elizabeth: Yeah but even though we didn't do our own personal vows I felt like you got a lot of personality into the video. Him like biting on my shoulder, and then him doing the tugging with his groomsmen and stuff like that. I really like that you were still able incorporate our personalities and the personality of our bridal party too because they were a huge part of our day too. I really loved that part.
Reid: And then finally just in terms if you had other friends or family that were thinking about videographer if they were on the fence what would you guys say?
Elizabeth: I think that is what is different now than when my siblings had got married. They got married close to ten years ago so I feel like nowadays having a wedding videographer I think you get more for your buck. Because, social media is such a big thing and I feel like that's the way to share your wedding. In so many different ways I feel like my best friend had just gotten engaged like two days ago so I will be able to use your guys video of her catching my bouquet to kinda reuse it and stuff like that.
For those brides who are kinda debating or on the fence about getting a wedding videographer I'd say just bite the bullet, especially somebody like you guys who won the best video on The Knot award, it is so worth your money to do it. I feel like you captured parts of your wedding day, I feel like with video really takes you back to it. I'm so glad that we did end up getting a wedding videographer. You can watch it on your anniversary or stuff like that or be like me and watch it every day.
Reid: And William what about you?
William: Basically what she said. So not a lot of people that I know that have gotten married have gotten one. And all they have are pictures and a lot of people just mostly have pictures. We are going to have a lot of pictures also, but we are going to have a video to look back at 20, 30 years from now we have a video just bring us back to that moment instead of just looking at a picture. Having a video and pictures is good especially the video that you guys put together kinda of puts it into perspective how great the venue was and how much fun the guest had as well. You implementing the guest as well as our personal stuff that we did, me and her, I think that was great. To have a wide variety in the video was what I like the most.
Reid: And then finally, what you loved the most or what you'll enjoy the most or what you'll hold onto?
Elizabeth: I think what we are really going to take from it is the, I feel like compared pictures and videos, pictures doesn't really capture as much intimate moments. The funny moments, the stuff that makes us cry, the stuff that makes us laugh, I feel like having a video like the video you guys made us it brought a lot of our family and friends to tears. My mom has watched it several times, but I think if you look at just the comments of the video on my Face Book page there is so many people that didn't even attend the wedding said that they cried when they were watching the video. I feel like that speaks for itself that having a wedding videographer and have the video made by you guys it is such a powerful thing to have to take with you as a keepsake memory from your wedding day.
I feel like people that don’t, there’s a girl that married earlier this year she texted me saying she wishes she had gotten a videographer but she didn't think about it all the time when she was planning her wedding. It's just a good keepsake for us to have and friends to have forever.
Reid: William do you concur?
William: I concur with everything she said. So in my own words anybody that is going to be getting married that I know and they talk to me about it and stuff like that I am gonna have them think about getting a videographer. From the one that I have seen that you guys made it puts the whole wedding on display in the video instead of pictures. Which is great, that is what I liked most about it. It's just something that I will recommend to anybody that is getting married, that I talk to if they talk to me about the planning. Whatever the price it is worth it.
Elizabeth: Well, even your guys price is very very reasonable. Nothing out of the water. I feel like that for the people that are debating on whether to get a wedding videographer, I mean keep in mind that also social media is such a huge thing it's the way to share the video for those guests that weren't able to make it. The guest don't get to see us getting ready during the day, the guest don't get to see us taking our photos on the hilltop at New Castle, there are so many things that ourselves and wedding guests and our bridal party missed. So having a video kinda puts it all together for everyone really.
Reid: Perfect, that was great. Thank you guys so much for doing that.
Elizabeth: No thank you so much, I seriously watched the video almost every single day. He even said "your obsessed." How could you not be obsessed with this video? I may be a little biased but I think our video is one of the best. Like absolutely, so my best friend had just gotten engaged I don't know where she is planning on getting married yet, it might be destination or in might be northwest, but I actually have a couple friends that are engaged so I think having that video kinda definitely keep that in their minds when they are planning their wedding. I love the video, my friends love the video so I really hope that they will consider booking through you guys.
Reid: Perfect, so I saw that on social media yesterday, it's like such a small world. No, that's good for her.
Elizabeth: No really who knew that catching a bouquet at a wedding would make you... you know..
Reid: Like three weeks later or four weeks later month later, it's the 19th. It is crazy.
Elizabeth: Yeah.
Reid: Well they've got the fever. So, that's good.
Elizabeth: Seriously.
Reid: Well you guys enjoy yourselves on Sunday, I know you guys busy and good luck tomorrow at work. Thank you so much for it.
Elizabeth: Thank you so much for our video and everything. I think that also like one last note that forgot to say, having you guys on site with us, I first ran into you Reid in the parking lot right? We went to the wrong location, when we were getting ready or something like that. And you guys immediately knew what to do. Told us, kept us on track on time, knew when the golden hour was. Told us, you immediately took my shoes, our wedding rings, and my dress, I mean you guys knew exactly what to do. You made us feel at ease, made us laugh, it totally was nothing pressured, it was just a chilled fun day working with you guys. I think that also makes a difference having some people follow you, photographers, your family, videographers. I feel like you guys kept our minds at ease with the wedding day, I think that is a huge difference that a lot of brides can benefit from.
Reid: Perfect, there you go. I appreciate that as your dog is knocking over the laptop.
Elizabeth: So sorry.
Reid: No, that is perfect. I love it. Thank you so much it means a lot. We try and it is good to hear feedback for what we try to do, with Jeff and I especially. Trying to have fun, so it's good.
Elizabeth: Yeah of course, anything to help you guys out. I think you guys are well deserving of that award and so much more. So anything we can do to help you guys, you know we really appreciate everything you guys did for us for our video.
Reid: Thank you, I am putting out, I just updated our promo video for the year, I'll tag everybody this week when I post it. But, you guys, you'll be all the late ones will be in it, so I appreciate it. So thank you guys it was a really fun day.
Elizabeth: Okay sweet I will keep my eyes out for that.
Reid: Awesome, you guys have a good Sunday.
Elizabeth: Thank you
William: Thank you
Reid: Thanks"

“Their Voice, Our Video” - Annabrodea and Aaron
Annabrodea and Aaron's story -
"Reid: Talk to me about why you guys hired a wedding videographer.
Annabrodea: What was I saying?
Reid: You said you were originally not-
Annabrodea: We weren't originally gonna hire a wedding videographer, but we got really nervous about photography and stuff like that. So we started looking into it and I found you on Weddingwire, was that right?
Aaron: I think so.
Annabrodea: Okay. I don't remember where I found you. But I found you and a couple others and I looked at the videos and showed them to him and he liked your videos the best. So we shot you an email and everything worked out. For us it was last minute. It was still like four months before the wedding, I think. But for us it was really a last minute decision, if that makes sense.
Reid: What about your thoughts, Aaron?
Aaron: She was mostly the wedding planner and she made my job easy by selecting ones that she was like "Alright, I like this one, I like this one, I like this one, I like this one. Which one do you like?" And I picked you. I thought yours was awesome.
Reid: What were your thoughts about videography in general? Were you hesitant? Did you think that was necessary?
Aaron: The idea of videography to me was really cool because I remember my parents, they have their video and they don't watch it all the time anymore because compared to what we have now, it's a little outdated. They used to love plugging it into the VCR and playing it. So I wanted to do the same thing where I could just go on our phones and kind of relive what's been one of our favorite days.
Reid: What was your ... Both of your guys, what was your reaction when you saw your video?
Annabrodea: So we were on our honeymoon and we had turned our phones off for the majority of it and we turned ours on like the fourth day we were on the cruise and there was an email and we opened it. And we were super excited and we clicked on the link and then, of course we were on a cruise ship, so the wifi sucked, so it took an hour to load. And we were like "We can't handle it." We were so excited. And it finally played and both of us cried. And we were like "This is amazing."
Aaron: Yeah, we were blown away.
Annabrodea: This is perfect. It was the perfect way to remember our wedding because it was exactly how both of us felt during our wedding. Yeah. What do you think?
Aaron: My thoughts were that it was way better than I ever thought it would be. It was better than I had imagined it to be. It was better than I had hoped it to be. And it got all my favorite parts of the wedding put together in exactly the way that I didn't know I wanted. But it blew me away. And we watched it, I think, four or six more times.
Annabrodea: Just during the honeymoon. And then-
Aaron: That hour.
Annabrodea: Yeah, that's right. We still had the whole rest of the day just watching it over and over and over again. Because it just made us so happy. And we picked out different things each time.
The first time I watched it, I actually didn't hear him teaching them how to tie each other's ties. And the second time we watched it, I was like "Did you have to teach all of them how to tie a tie?" He's like "Yes, we all got in a circle and I taught them how to tie a tie."
So hearing him and the way it cut from the music right into him talking was perfect. It was just really funny.
Aaron: It was great. I thought the best part was when she realized that she actually knocked one of the stage props off with her dress. It was like the fourth time we watched it. But things like that make us wanna keep watching and seeing everything, if we missed anything. And then now we watch it just to relive our day.
Annabrodea: And we show it to everyone.
Aaron: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Annabrodea: Everybody. Everybody and their grandparents, and their mothers and their fathers and everybody.
Aaron: Yeah. I think we sent it to all of our friends and family.
Annabrodea: We did. We were like "You have to watch this. This is amazing."
Aaron: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Reid: And then last question, if someone was on the fence about having a videographer, what would be your thoughts on that?
Annabrodea: So I can only think of one reason why you wouldn't get a videographer and it's for the money. And if I had had to choose between photos and my video, I would've picked my video every single time. Of course, you don't know that before the day comes, but I would choose my video over my photos any day of the week.
Because everyone at your wedding, even if you tell them not to, is snapping pictures. So you have pictures from the day. But getting to relive your day every single time you watch it-
Aaron: As a whole.
Annabrodea: Yeah, it's something that you can't capture in a photo and you can't capture in your mind either. So I would say if you don't do it you're crazy. But yeah. What about you?
Aaron: I think if somebody's contemplating not getting a videographer, I would advise them to rethink that. Because-
Annabrodea: You should think that through.
Aaron: You should really think that through. Because photos, sure you can flip through a photo album and it's really quick. You can go to your favorite photo, but a video captures everything. It captures the emotion, it captures the scene, it captures the flow, the music. There's nothing missed in a video. And so I'd say that if you're not gonna get a videographer, you'll regret it.
Annabrodea: Actually, we've told that to a couple of our friends. Any time we hear someone's getting married, we send them a link to your website and a copy of our video. We're like "So, we know this really really amazing guy. And he does amazing videos. And so this is what you should do. And if you're on the fence about it, you need to get a videographer. It's worth it." And a couple of our friends have been saying that they don't necessarily want a videographer, that's not important to them. And both of us have been talking with them about how it's meant the world to us and it's something that we can't replace. It's irreplaceable. That's the word I'm looking for.
Aaron: When somebody asks us for something to look at when they ask about our day, we don't ... The first thing we go for is our phone to show them the video.
Annabrodea: Yeah. We're not like "Look at this photo." We're like, "Here watch the day."
Aaron: The thing we're most happy to share with other people is the video. The short one, the long one if they'll watch it.
Annabrodea: I mean if they wanna watch the 30 minute video, I'll show it to them.
Aaron: The first thing we always show them is the video.
Annabrodea: We're like "You have 10 minutes right? Here you go."
Aaron: Yeah.
Annabrodea: Yeah. It's perfect. We couldn't be more happy with it. Yeah.
Reid: I really appreciate it. It means a lot, both your words and then taking the time to come on and do this. So thank you and I really appreciate it and I hope you guys-
Annabrodea: You too.
Reid: I hope you guys like your video and it's good that I like just being able to stay in contact with people and check in. It's good.
Annabrodea: Thanks.
Reid: Awesome. Thanks. Have a good night you guys. Enjoy.
Annabrodea: You too.
Aaron: You too.
Annabrodea: Bye.
Reid: Bye."

"Their Voice, Our Video" - Briannah and Drew
Briannah and Drew's story -
"Reid: Okay, go for it.
Briannah: So I actually had no plans on getting a videographer. I didn't think that it was something that I cared about or that was important, and something that, in our year-and-a-half-long engagement, we spent no time considering. We had a great photographer and thought that was enough.
About seven, eight days before the wedding-
Drew: Yeah.
Briannah: I decided I couldn't live without a videographer. One of our friends had just gotten married and had Best Made Videos do theirs, we loved it.
Drew: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Briannah: So, I contacted Reid and ... like a crazy person ... and asked if he'd be willing to do our wedding. That was a Saturday and we were getting married Sunday. The next Sunday.
Drew: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Briannah: And he said he'd make it happen and it was one of the best decisions we made with our wedding.
Drew: Yeah, it worked out perfectly. It was very last-minute though, and he helped us figure out all the stuff and we made it happen.
Briannah: Yeah.
Drew: And we're really glad we did.
Briannah: Very happy.
Drew: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Reid: What was it like when you guys saw your video for the first time?
Briannah: We were in shock. We were in shock that, not only how great it turned out, but how many things that we didn't remember that we were able to then recount and recall through the video.
Drew: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Briannah: I think a huge thing is we were so surprised we almost didn't do it.
Drew: Yeah.
Briannah: And to see how great it turned out and to relive it was incredible.
Drew: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Briannah: It was the best day of our lives and so it was amazing to go back and have all that.
Drew: And one of the busiest days too. It happens really fast. So to go back and to see all these cues really reminds you of the day and what happened.
Briannah: Yeah.
Reid: Yeah, talk about the difference between like, obviously having the photos, but then having kind of that living video as well, with being able to hear the ceremony and all that stuff.
Drew: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yeah. Well, so the ceremony, in particular, happens ... you're in front of everybody, there's a lot going on ... and it happens pretty quick. You try to take in the moment the best you can, but to get that actually documented and to actually hear my wife tell her vows to me again and have that captured so nicely and perfectly, it's just priceless.
Briannah: Yeah. The photos I can't say enough about because we're so happy that we have a really phenomenal photographer and have all of that, but I think, again, the vows was huge. Speeches was really big. Seeing our first dance ... there's things I don't even remember about that-
Drew: Yeah.
Briannah: Because you're just, you're on cloud nine and it goes by so quickly.
Drew: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Briannah: It was really fun seeing, in action, what he was doing when I was away and to see our first look through in a different light. It's incredible. I'd say that the photography and the videography ended up being the most important elements of our entire wedding, so we're very happy we did both of them.
Drew: Yeah.
Reid: What was it like working with the videographer during the day, just the actual process of it and all that?
Briannah: Easy.
Drew: Yeah, really easy. Reid was ... you were there, but you weren't ever in the way. You always could tell that you were catching the shot and you were part of it, but you were just in the background, perfectly-
Briannah: Yeah.
Drew: Making it happen.
Briannah: It was seamless. It was really seamless. I think it was really cool, too, because it's another really artistic eye to see it, in addition to the photographer. So, there would be times where we would maybe move around or go to a different backdrop.
We got married in the city, so it's really urban, kind of industrial, nothing really pretty. There's not any fields around-
Drew: She was pretty.
Drew: Or flowers or anything to kind of make it great. There's brick and there's walls and there's dumpsters, and somehow, between our photographer and Reid and Best Made Videos, they just made it incredible. And made it part of the concept, which is really cool.
Reid: I actually thought you guys looked really pretty in photos. What's your favorite part of the wedding video? If you could both say a specific moment, or part of it? I don't know if that's hard or not.
Briannah: Yeah, gosh.
Drew: I really, really liked the short video that you put together. You can watch it really quick, it's just a couple minutes long, and you can just watch it and it's like you're there again.
Briannah: Yeah.
Drew: Real quick and so that part is awesome.
Briannah: Obviously, in addition to the footage, I love how you did the vows over our video so it starts out with us giving our vows, which was really special and emotional. I was on the verge of a complete meltdown the whole time, in a good way. I was holding back tears and so, I think that it just took everything in me to concentrate on not a breakdown. It was really special to hear it back.
We finished the vows and it's like, "Did that all work out? Did it come across how I wanted it to?" So I thought that was really incredible that you tied that into and we didn't know that you were going to do that and so that was very, very special-
Drew: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Briannah: And a really cool editing part of it.
I really love how the music ties into it and you really found us and our concept with the music in addition to the video.
At the very end we did a send-off, we did a Seahawk send-off, and I love how you stopped the music and did just the "Seahawks"-
Drew: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Briannah: The whole day, yeah. That was really cool.
Reid: Just a couple more.
Drew: Yeah.
Reid: Can you talk about having that video to share with family and friends, through Facebook and whatever else and just how easy that was or good that is?
Briannah: Yeah. That was so cool. A lot of our family and friends have Facebook, which is really special. People, a family that was a part of it or friends-
Drew: People that couldn't make it even.
Briannah: Yeah, that were in the wedding, that was super fun to see themselves. People that couldn't make it, we could let them feel like they were there a little bit. We were able to text it to people, email it. A lot of people asked us about it, so we were able to share that so easily-
Drew: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Briannah: Which was amazing.
Drew: Yeah. I sent a link to all the people at work for the short video and they were able to get a feel of what happened that weekend.
Briannah: Yeah.
Reid: Can you say that again? Because I didn't do a good job of prompting, like, being able to share it online or just to give a context to the beginning of that? Like, it was great to be able to share it online or just something to give context to that.
Drew: Yeah.
Briannah: Okay, yeah.
Reid: I should've done a better job prompting there, I'm sorry.
Drew: That's cool.
Briannah: It was great, once we had the video, which, by the way, it was very, very quick. I couldn't believe how quickly we had the videography back.
Drew: Yeah. It was a week or two [crosstalk 00:06:52] the first-
Briannah: It was so nice to be able to share it online and share it on Facebook and share it to our friends and family. Social media is huge and it just made it so easy just to upload it.
We're coming up on our six-month anniversary and I can't wait to share it again online so people can see it.
Reid: Two more questions. Yeah, can you talk about how quick you got the video back and how nice that was?
Drew: Yeah.
Briannah: Yeah, gosh. Truthfully, I have friends and family that got married in the summer and just now got their videography back in the last couple of months.
Drew: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Briannah: We got it back within a couple of days. The biggest delay was, truthfully, that, since we hadn’t had a chance to do any pre-planning ... because I asked them eight days out to do our wedding video. We just needed to figure out the music. But, it was within a couple of days we had the short version. Then, very quickly after that, we had the long version, the extended version.
But, it was amazing. I would say that I was expecting months, and it was a couple of days.
Drew: Yeah.
Reid: And then finally, both of you, just talk about if there was somebody that wasn't, obviously, considering videography, why they should consider it?
Drew: Yeah. It's one of the best take-aways from something that we can actually go back to and relive the experience. If we had missed the opportunity, this last-minute decision to get the videographer, I would still be kicking myself forever.
Briannah: Yeah. I would say to anybody even, if you're on the fence or you're not sure you want to do it, do it. It was, again, one of the best decisions. If you're worried about budget, find a place for it. I think there's a lot of other things you can kind of cut out or minimize a little bit more.
I would say it's well worth the investment. It's actually, it's priceless.
Drew: Absolutely.
Briannah: We look back at it and would have done that ten times over. We're so happy. We get to go through it, we get to still live it with our friends and family and ourselves. If I'm having kind of a bad day, I find myself going back and watching the wedding video-
Drew: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Briannah: To relive it and to just experience that part of it. One day we'll share it with our kids, which is really special.
Drew: Absolutely.
Briannah: And always remember what it was like when we got married-
Drew: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Briannah: And why we got married and our love story.
Drew: Absolutely. Yeah.
Reid: Cool. Thank you so much."

“Their Voice, Our Video” - Rakayla and Juan
RaKayla and Juan's story -
"Reid: If you guys first off could just briefly speak about why you decided to have a wedding video in the first place.
Rakayla: Well, at first, we didn't want one. Then I thought about it and was like, "No, this is something we're gonna have forever."
Juan: Yeah.
Rakayla: We didn't want just anyone. And then I saw your work, and I was like, that is perfect. Exactly what-
Juan: She showed it to me. I automatically agreed.
Rakayla: I was like, that's just what we're looking for.
Juan: At first, we were gonna just do it ourselves.
Rakayla: Yeah, just think how that would've been.
Reid: Why make that leap then from trying to do it yourself to hiring somebody?
Rakayla: Well, probably time. And then it's your wedding. You don't want to be doing all that work on a wedding. Our wedding, we already did so much work planning for it. Might as well give it to someone else who's more professional.
Reid: Perfect. Talk about what was your reaction when you guys first saw your video.
Rakayla: I was ... oh my God, I cried.
Juan: Yeah, it was sweet. I loved it.
Rakayla: It was beautiful. And everybody loved it too. And it was ... the turnaround time was so fast.
Juan: Right, it just made the experience more real when I saw it. Because when I saw it, it didn't feel as special, I guess, you could see.
Rakayla: Like when we were doing it all? All the work that we were doing was just, "Oh, I wonder how this is gonna work."
Juan: I felt like I was running around the whole time at the wedding. And then when I saw the video, I was like, "Oh, wow. That's beautiful."
Reid: What was each of your favorite part of the video? If you could just talk about that.
Rakayla: Favorite part. What was your favorite part?
Juan: I liked the whole thing. I didn't really have a favorite part.
Rakayla: I know, you cut it together so perfectly. Everything.
Juan: I think when you snuck up behind me, when ...
Rakayla: The music like dropped.
Juan: Yeah. I think that was one of my favorite parts.
Rakayla: I know, you synced the music perfectly. I was like, "Oh wow, everything is just so awesome."
Juan: I loved it all. I loved the whole thing, yeah.
Rakayla: I loved the ending, how we all disappeared because the ending, the song was "Ghost" and how we ended and like disappeared.
Juan: Oh yeah.
Rakayla: That was so cool.
Juan: That was pretty cool.
Reid: What was your reaction for family and friends and stuff when you showed them or shared with them? Was that easy, the process of sharing with friends, and what'd you think about that?
Rakayla: Yeah, that was super easy.
Juan: I was gonna say, everybody and anybody that wanted to see it.
Rakayla: I told people at work, "Look at this!" And everybody's like, "Oh my gosh, how awesome!"
Juan: Right.
Rakayla: And I still have friends who are asking me, "Who was your videographer?" So you might be getting some business through me.
Reid: Talk about if somebody decided not to have a wedding video or they were kind of on the fence, what would you say to them?
Rakayla: They should really think about that, and they should know that this is something they'll have forever that they can always look at it.
Juan: Exactly.
Rakayla: And if they want it to be perfect, they should go through Reid Johnson
Reid: And what would you say as the groom? Normally, it's the bride a lot, but obviously you seemed to really enjoy it as well. And a lot of the guys I've talked to really were kinda hesitant, and now that they see it, they like it. What's your honest perspective of having gone through the wedding process and now seeing the video?
Juan: Well, like I said earlier, we were running around the whole time and it felt crazy. Then once I saw the video, like I said, it made the experience more real. I liked it.
Rakayla: A good investment.
Juan: Yeah, it was a good investment. I was happy with it.
Reid: Any final thoughts? What you thought or how you thought your day went? Maybe talk about the Halloween theme a little bit, just because that made your guys' so special. Do you want just touch on that briefly?
Rakayla: Well, the day was crazy. Now we know how a wedding is.
Juan: Exactly.
Rakayla: Never want to do that again.
Juan: No, I don't.
Rakayla: But yeah, I think the theme was perfect. Everybody loved the theme, and everything ... it all just worked together. That was the coolest wedding I've ever been to. It was pretty awesome. I'm glad we went with that. No regrets.
Juan: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Reid: Perfect. Anything else? I think you guys did really good.
Rakayla: Aw, thank you so much.
Reid: Awesome, thanks a lot. Have a good day!
Rakayla: You too! Bye."