Hutschreider Wedding Video - Novelty Hill-Januik Winery in Woodinville, WA

Hutschreider Wedding on 8/20/21 at Novelty Hill-Januik Winery in Woodinville, WA

Music licensed from - The Music Bed

How did you guys meet?:We met on Match. Our first date/meet up was at a tea place in Fremont. 

Tell us about the proposal!: Adam and I bought a house in September in 2020. We are renovating it. I was at the house working. He came after work and said he had a surprise. He had chips and ice cream and he proposed. We were at the house! 
Why did you choose your venue?: We enjoy wine and love the space. 

What are you most excited to see in the video?: Everything! All the moments of the day. 

When and where's the honeymoon?!?!: We are going to Sunriver, or on aug. 22nd for a few days for a mini honeymoon. Then we will do something in December. Not sure yet.

Venue - Novelty Hill-Januik Winery
Photographer - CB Bell
Videographer - Best Made Videos®
Coordination - Privé Events
DJ - Legato Productions
Floral - Stocks & Stems
Desert - Street Treats