Favorite Wedding Toasts of 2019

by Scott Johnson

The hot times are officially here and we are roasting. After such a mild year, these 90 degree days are not a welcome respite, but rather they have us dripping with sweat and unable to sleep. Alas, times are still strange and our lockdown is still in place, so we must persevere until things get back to some kind of normal. This week we are back with our Favorites of 2019 Countdown; a one-off mini edition for our Favorite Toasts of 2019. These two wedding toasts had us laughing, crying and hoping that the givers would write our own. Unfortunately, I do not think any of them are looking for work doing toast writing, so we'll just have to come up with our own! Everybody should know the whole line from Wedding Crashers by this point, so let’s see how these folks did in comparison!

Machado Wedding

After a full afternoon of getting wed at St. Alphonsus church, taking photos and gearing up for the reception, a series of toasts following dinner ran the full spectrum of emotions. Starting with the father of the bride, boisterous laughs were to be had with his unsurprisingly dad-friendly humor, resulting in a contagious aura that had us all giggling. Followed up by a culturally unifying speech from the groom’s side, it went to show that sometimes a little bit of a cliche is all you need to reflect on the love and union of marriage.

Capping the toasts off were the sister of Molly who underscored her love for her sister, and then Melroy’s side who finished with a song that brought everyone to gut-busting laughs with their recognition that their “trio is down to two.” We definitely could feel the love, tonight!

Kurdy Wedding

Our second, and last wedding, in this edition kicks off with the bride’s best friend who brings things all the way back to second grade. With a hilarious story of Roxanne ordering a cheeseburger at a Mexican restaurant, she kept the laughs going with a bit of a guilt trip and overwhelming support for her bestie.

Listing a string of adjectives that may or may not sound like compliments, “feisty, stubborn and extremely competitive,” she turns it around and makes it all about loyalty and steadfastness in her resolve towards her loved ones. Acknowledging the groom, her relationship to him, and how she is ever-grateful for their friendship, she wishes them a lifetime of happiness after already having one so far.


There you have it for this week! We hope its brevity and sweetness were enough to keep you excited for what else is to come. Soon, we will be back with a look at our Favorite Venues and Favorite Vows to carry us through to the end of the Countdown! Did you have a particularly meaningful, funny or memorable toast at your wedding? Let us know below and we will be happy to share it with everyone!

Questions or comments? You know what to do!