Photo Credit - F and J Productions
by Scott Johnson
Over the years, we’ve seen some pretty strange things happen. While none of our stuff has gone viral for that matter, though in some regards that’s not always something beneficial, we do like to draw attention to the weird wedding mishaps that go on around the country. If you’ve been following along, you’ll remember last time featured a family whose house burned down on their wedding day, only to still get married for a happy ending. Luckily the stories this week don’t have any tragedy to them—though one could have very easily become tragic if it weren’t for but a few fast-thinking moments.
So let’s get down to it!
Imagine you’ve just gotten married: you’re full of happiness, excitement, and your heart is probably beating out of your chest. Well, for two newlyweds, they almost saw their future come crashing down—literally. Cheyenne and Lucas Kopeschka, who got married on June 30, were blissfully recounting their story for the wedding video being shot. Poised on a picnic table underneath a tree, the newlyweds heard a sudden crack and immediately glanced up to see a rather large tree branch falling towards them.
With quick thinking, the two dodged the branch and saved themselves (and the wedding day). Instead of opting for a more comfortable (and certainly safer location), the two decided to continue on with the video right where they had been sitting with the tree branch in full focus right in front of them. One has to wonder, if you make the case for bird poop landing on someone as “good luck,” couldn’t you say that this has blessed their love for a lifetime? No? Well we seem to think so!
Historically speaking, animals and weddings have really not gone together well. Those who follow us might remember a story about an owl “ring bearer” that got loose and caused some ruckus at a wedding. There’s also a joke to be made about “ring bears,” or dogs who try to do the duty and find themselves utterly distracted. All things considering, this one could’ve gone a whole lot worse.
On the same day as the previous wedding, Alan and Shandy Cuellar were exchanging their long-awaited vows at the Bayshore Clubhouse in Anchorage. With a gorgeous, romantic backdrop and a look of complete love in their eyes, they were photobombed by none other than a moose wandering into frame.
Completely enamored by the situation, the newlyweds were perfectly ok with being shown-up by a moose (it is Alaska after all), though there was a little bit of concern when the beast made its way closer to the guests. I don’t know about you, but Bullwinkle showing up at a wedding sounds pretty ok to me!
There you have it for this week’s strange wedding news! Thankfully there wasn’t anything too tragic this time!
Have you seen anything in the news that might interest us? Have a story of your own? Share it below and we’ll try to feature it! Thanks for reading!!