Bizarre Wedding News - September 15, 2020

by Scott Johnson

Well, what a truly Bizarre week it has been. Seattle is covered with smoke, our air quality is considered either “Unhealthy” or “Hazardous” depending on the region, and to not put it lightly: the whole West Coast is essentially on fire. Crazy times in an already crazy year, but nevertheless we will push on. We hope everyone is staying safe along the coast here, and all of our thoughts are with those affected. As is our duty, we also want to bring you love, joy and happiness, especially in these dark times. This week we have some great, interesting stories to keep you entertained and up to date with all the wackiness in the wedding industry. Let’s take a look!

We have seen quite a few weddings interrupted this year, whether it be hecklers, lightning or otherwise. But rarely do we see them ending up in a fight, let along with the bride doing the beat down. After her wedding, a south Wales bride, Zoe Dallimore, “appeared to tackle the man to the ground in a playing field” at a rugby club. While the video gives the impression that she was beating the gentleman up, “Dallimore claimed that she did not throw or receive any punches and was, in fact, just trying to break up a fight among a group of strangers.”

Be sure to check out the full article to get more details about the scuffle. Would you have run the chance of messing up your wedding dress in a tussle?

Remember that big royal wedding back in 2018? The one that received tons of press coverage (from us as well) and the one we still hear about due to the craziness with Meghan and Harry? Yeah, that one.

Well, for those who have been dying to get a taste of their epic “lemon and elderflower cake decorated with rose and white peonies,” the opportunity has come. Whether you want to make it yourself, or buy it directly from Violet Bakery in Hackney, the wait is officially over. For those of you who don’t remember the ingredients, the cake required, “more than 200 lemons, as well as ten bottles of elderflower cordial from the Queen’s Sandringham estate, 20kgs of butter and 500 organic eggs.” Can’t make it to England? The recipe will be appearing in the new edition of the Violet Bakery cookbook.

Lastly, we come to a Stranger wedding. That’s right, David Harbor (Hopper, or Hellboy to most) got married to Lily Allen in what might be the most stereotypical Las Vegas wedding ever. Just last week, the couple made their way to the “famous Graceland Wedding Chapel, where Lily was “wearing a beautiful cream double-breasted Dior gown with a bridal veil, and David a dark suit with a black tie.” Even the article admits that this seems like a, “scene out of a rom-com” as the two, looking utterly happy, got wed by an Elvis impersonator and promptly followed up the wedding with a trip to In-N-Out. There still certainly have been Stranger Things but this is just too darn sweet and wholesome during these truly bizarre times. Check out the article for more of their wonderful wedding day!


There you have it for this week, folks! We hope you stay safe and healthy in the coming weeks as the fires continue to rage. Have a question or comment? Let us know below!