Best Made Videos®

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Murphy Wedding Video - Downtown Seattle Elopement Wedding Video

by Scott Johnson

Murphy Wedding on 9/9/19 in downtown Seattle

Music licensed from –
The Music Bed –

Ever so slowly, Washington is opening back up. Parks are starting to populate with laughing kids, basketball courts are seeing three-pointers sunk, and things have felt a little more normal than they have in a few months. The worst has passed in our quarantine, and now we know we can survive just a little bit longer so we can finally get back to our lives.

In keeping with tradition, we are back this week with one of our late summer weddings from last year. A splendid day in Downtown Seattle gave us dazzling views, creative decorations, and an utterly exuberant bride and groom. Let’s take a look!

Matt and Mingzi’s big day was light, breezy and tight knit. We did not catch any shots of them getting ready, but instead opted for more detail shots. Decorations, which consisted of dozens of balloons, with the most delightful “vines” attached, spread across the event space got us particularly excited about how the ceremony would take shape.

Friends and family waited around eagerly by the large windows overlooking the vastness of Downtown Seattle. From every angle you could see iconic Seattle landmarks, and the “altar” was set looking out over skyscrapers and the city beyond. No groomsmen and bridesmaids made it much easier to keep the focus on the bride and groom, and while the final touches for the ceremony hall were put in place, we got the rest of the group mingling around in anticipation.

Everyone was looking great by the time the ceremony was set to take place. Simply the bride, groom and the officiant stood against the windows, and through the forest of balloon strings we witnessed the ceremony. Again with keeping it easy, there were no frills to the ceremony. Just the bride and groom getting hitched. And with the magic words, Matt and Mingzi kissed.

With such views, it would be a waste to not hang around for a while. Supplying their own accoutrements, the booze started to flow after the ceremony and the newlyweds started to hang out with their loved ones. Seldom do we get to watch such gorgeous cake cuttings as this one, but it was a treat to get the shot of the newlyweds cutting in, with Puget Sound in the background. The event space proved perfect in every aspect needed.

Finger foods, wraps and other tasty treats were served for reception, with even the newlyweds pitching into help serve. It was an abundantly homey and relaxing day, and everyone was simply full of smiles. Weddings like this may very well soon be in everyone’s future, so take note if you want to plan one like this on your own!

Thank you to Matt and Mingzi for choosing Best Made Videos® to film your wedding day! We hope the past nine months have been magical. Have any questions or comments? See something you particularly liked and think it should be in our Favorites of 2019 Countdown? Let us know in the comments below and we will get back to you!